Agenda item

Revised Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) Delivery Agreement 2021-2036


The Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning Transport and Connectivity presented the report.


Members referred to the draft delivery agreement and the summary of changes contained on page 35 of the report and asked what differences are expected from the revised plan. The Head of Planning and Public Protection advised members that dialogue is ongoing with Welsh Government officials who appreciate our local challenges and are supportive of this approach. The revised plan will enable evidence based studies to be updated, as well as building on key issues that have arisen recently such as the decision on Freeports and the transition of Tata Steel. There is also uncertainty in certain key policy areas (e.g. TAN15 Flooding) within Welsh Government and it is anticipated that the policy position will be updated and clarified in the spring. The intention is to repeat the candidate site process, looking at the thresholds of evidence based burden that has to support any submission, to potentially encourage a larger number of sites to come forward.


Members commented that it was pleasing that the Valleys communities’ impact is being re-visited and acknowledged that space is limited around the M4 corridor route. 


Members questioned whether candidate sites submitted previously would be penalised and potentially lost due to financial reasons, is there any evidence that delaying and re-opening the call will enable the required numbers to be reached? The Head of Planning and Public Protection confirmed that candidate sites already submitted would be rolled forward and no re-submissions would be required.


RESOLVED:       The RLDP Delivery Agreement as presented in Appendix 2 be agreed for the basis of consultation and subsequent submission to Welsh Government for approval.


Decision making on responses to any representations received following consultation be delegated to the Head of Planning and Public Protection in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Transport and Connectivity. Any substantive changes deemed necessary to the Delivery agreement will be reported to Council for approval.

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