Agenda item

Update on Progress in relation to Margam Open Cast Coal Site


In accordance with the mandate from the Planning Committee meeting on the 25th November 2014, an urgent verbal update was given in relation to both Margam Open Cast Coal Site and East Pit East Open Cast Coal Site. Members were updated on the decision of Members from Bridgend County Borough Council at their Planning Committee on the 8th January 2015. Following the meeting, both Celtic Energy and Oak Regeneration were invited to attend a meeting to discuss responsibilities for the sites going forward, and proposed restoration. A date for such a meeting has not yet been agreed.


Nevertheless public meetings have been arranged in relation to both sites. A meeting has been organised by the Authority in relation to the East Pit Open Cast Coal Site on Thursday 12th March 2015 at 6.30 in Tairgwaith Community Centre. A separate meeting has been arranged by this Authority and Bridgend County Borough Council concerning the Margam Open Cast Mine. This will be held on Tuesday 24th March 2015 at 6.30pm in Talbot Community Centre, Kenfig Hill, Bridgend. All were welcome to attend.