Agenda item

Planning Application Approved

Phase 2a Coed Darcy, Llandarcy, Neath  

Reserved matters for 79 residential dwellings plus 5 retail  units (Class A1) plus associated infrastructure,  public open space and landscaping  including details pursuant to the discharge of conditions 10 (Town Code Addendum for Phase 2 only) 40 & 41 (Means of Enclosure temporary/permanent), 42 (Cycle/footpaths), 49 (Retaining structures), 50 (Drainage), 54 (Lighting), 61 (Detailed road/footway/cycleway design), 75 (Highway retaining structures), 77 (Noise Assessment), 87 (Phase Landscaping) & 92 (Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of outline planning permission P2005/0393 (Approved on the 08/02/08)

Wards Affected: Coedffranc West.



An informal site visit of the Coed Darcy development would be arranged for Members in due course.


Application No: P2014/0913


Reserved matters for 79 residential dwellings plus 5 retail  units (Class A1) plus associated infrastructure,  public open space and landscaping, including details pursuant to the discharge of conditions 10 (Town Code Addendum for Phase 2 only) 40 and 41 (Means of Enclosure temporary/permanent), 42 (Cycle/footpaths), 49 (Retaining structures), 50 (Drainage), 54 (Lighting), 61 (Detailed road/footway/cycleway design), 75 (Highway retaining structures), 77 (Noise Assessment), 87 (Phase Landscaping) and 92 (Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of outline planning permission P2005/0393 (Approved on the 08/02/08) at Phase 2a Coed Darcy, Llandarcy, Neath.


RESOLVED:       that the above-mentioned Application be approved, subject to the conditions contained within the circulated report, and upon the signing of a Legal Agreement with the following Heads of Terms:


                             (1)   A Highways Agreement to be technically approved, signed and legally sealed before any works to the Southern Access Road (SAR) viaduct and highway can commence. These shall include the highway network from the existing junction onto Ffordd Amazon to the boundary of the southern development area of Coed Darcy (which will allow housing to be constructed). The agreement will be signed and legally sealed with a surety/guarantor agreement for the costs of completion of the development prior to the occupation of any dwelling within this phase of development.

Supporting documents: