Agenda item

Planning Application Approved, subject to a Section 106 Agreement

Former Llandarcy Oil Refinery, Llandarcy, Neath  

Application under S106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) to vary the legal agreement associated with Planning Permission P2005/0393 (Approved on the 08/02/08)

Wards Affected: Coedffranc West


Application No: P2014/0739


Application under S106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) to vary the legal agreement associated with Planning Permission P2005/0393 (Approved on the 08/02/08) at Former Llandarcy Oil Refinery, Llandarcy, Neath.


Members requested an addition to the Officers recommendation, as highlighted in italics below.


RESOLVED:       that the proposed changes to the principles within the Section 106 Legal Agreement (as detailed within the circulated report), be approved, and delegated powers be granted to The Head of Planning for any further minor amendments to the terms, subject to the agreement of the relevant consultees, on condition that the amendments do not undermine the principles/objectives as detailed within the circulated report, and should any other substantive changes to the trigger points be proposed, they will be brought before the Planning Committee for determination.

Supporting documents: