Agenda item

Council Tax Premiums – Long Term Empty Homes and Second Homes


That having had due regard to the Integrated Impact Screening Assessment:


1.           A consultation exercise be carried out, on the proposed use of the Council’s discretionary powers, in respect of long term empty homes and second homes.


2.           The results of the consultation exercise be brought back to a future meeting of Cabinet, in order for a recommendation be made to full Council. 




That having had due regard to the Integrated Impact Screening Assessment:


1.           A consultation exercise be carried out, on the proposed use of the Council’s discretionary powers, in respect of long term empty homes and second homes.


2.           The results of the consultation exercise be brought back to a future meeting of Cabinet, in order for a recommendation be made to full Council. 


Reason for Decisions:


To determine if Council Tax premiums should be applied on long term empty properties and second homes.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.




There is a requirement under the Constitution for external consultation on this item, details of which are set out in the circulated report.

Supporting documents: