Agenda item

Grant of Dispensation under S81(4) of the Local Government Act 2000 (Exempt under Paragraph 12 and 13)


That Councillor Alun Llewelyn be granted a dispensation to speak and vote on issues relating Urdd Gobaith Cymru on the terms set out in paragraph 12 of the circulated report, and that the application for dispensation runs to the Standards Committee which follows the Annual meeting 2027.


It was noted that the date of the report should read 2023, instead of 2022.


RESOLVED:                       That Councillor Alun Llewelyn be granted a dispensation to speak and vote on issues relating Urdd Gobaith Cymru on the terms set out in paragraph 12 of the circulated report, and that the application for dispensation runs to the Standards Committee which follows the Annual meeting 2027.