Agenda item

Corporate Plan - Strategic Change Programme for the Period 2023-2024


The discussion from the previous Scrutiny Committee was taken into account, and Cabinet agreed the extra recommendations put forward, as detailed as bullet points below.




1.           That the revised Strategic Change Programme for the period 2023-2024, as detailed within the circulated report, be commended to Council for adoption, providing the following changes be made to the report, prior to the meeting of Council:


·        That the reference to Climate Change on page 133 of the circulated report be expanded, to reflect the Climate Change motion approved at Council earlier this civic year, and that this commitment is repeated on page 134 of the circulated report, to underline the commitment to advancing this work in this civic year, pending a fuller review of the corporate plan for the period 1st April 2024 onwards,


·        That the reference to the ‘Active Travel Plan’ be amended to the ‘Active Travel Network Map’, to give it its correct title,


·        That the words ‘reducing the reliance on private vehicles’ which were removed, be reinstated,


·        That an additional action/s be inserted within the Active Travel area of the plan, to reflect the work that is intended to be done in 2023/24.


2.           That the Head of People and Organisational Development be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader and Chief Executive, to make any further changes that are necessary, prior to final publication, and which do not materially change the content of the Programme.


Reason for Decisions:


To ensure the revisions made to the Strategic Change Programme section of the Corporate Plan are approved, meeting legal duties set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 as they relate to council corporate planning activities.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions were for immediate implementation – this course of action was agreed to by the Scrutiny Chair. There would be no call in of this item.

Supporting documents: