Agenda item

Pre-Decision Scrutiny

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports included for Scrutiny Members)


Item 13 Waste Strategy Action Plan


Members received information on the Waste Strategy Action Plan as presented within the report circulated.


Members raised their concerns about the storage of the purple bags during summer months especially if waste collection moves to 3 weekly collections. Members were worried how residents would be able to store these bags.


Officers advised that if it did go to 3 weekly collections it would free up some resource and that could be diverted to recycling and nappy collections which would potentially make the nappy collections weekly, removing the issues. This would be looked at as part of the consultation process.


Officers said that the storage element of the scrutiny committee recommendations are accepted by officers. However, the purple bags would be presented for collection and the box would be used just for storage of those bags.


Members highlighted that the Task & Finish group put forward the idea of a presentation bin after reassurance from officers on the practicality of it. Members felt it was more hygienic and avoided confusion of having a receptacle that can’t be presented for collection. Members wanted to understand what had changed since that discussion.


Officers advised that they were still in the piloting phase but explained that the pilot supports the view that people want storage bins rather than presentation bins. Officers advised that there is still an opportunity to revise it, however the service can’t be extended currently due to resources and finances, however in the next two years things may change and improve. The recommendation from officers is for storage box usage rather than as presentation boxes.


Members were keen to monitor the situation during the pilot stage and get feedback from officers how the storage bins go, but also pilot and test the impact of using it as a presentation bin on update of the scheme and the cleanliness of the streets.


Officers said that from the consultation they have done the feedback has been mainly about storage, however if there were issues with presentation that would become apparent to members. Storage bins will be available to those who request them.


Members felt that the consultation with the public on 3 weekly bin collection should be deferred as long as possible to be able to get the message out first about the need for better recycling and food recycling. Members wanted some detail on why that proposal from the Task and Finish Group was rejected and an idea on timescales for the consultation.


Officers advised that there is a statutory deadline for exceeding the 70% target on food waste and this means that they would need to do a lot of work preparing and planning should the 3 weekly collections go ahead. In terms of the timescales, they would need to do some internal consultation first. The likelihood would be that consultation with the public would commence within the next 12months.


Officers took on board members point that they hoped that the resident’s aspect of consultation was done after the recycling and food waste messaging.


Members wanted clarity on what would be done for areas where there are no shops or public buildings where dog waste bags can be collected from. Officers advised that they see dispensers as a last resort because they often get vandalised or abused. They explained that they want to try everything they can to make a provision for those areas. Officers said that they should be in places that are secure and less likely to be vandalised but want to look at all other options. Officers will speak to all members about provision in their wards.


Members wanted to look at customer touch points and getting regular feedback from residents on how the service has been. They felt that broader piece of work would be useful and deeper than the citizens panel to help performance and service delivery. Officers advised they will talk to digital services about using the system to generate questions on the service.


Following discussions members, the following amendments were put forward from Scrutiny Committee for Cabinet Members to consider when making their decision:


·       Measure 5 is approved with consideration of using the material storage bins for presentation as suggested by the scrutiny committee.


·       Measure 11 is approved and notwithstanding the suggestion by Scrutiny to the contrary that be no deferral of consultations on a potential move to 3 weekly refuse collections however the consultation be carried out as a phased approach.


·       A Communications protocol be developed to secure engagement with the public generally in relation to obtaining feedback on waste services via the work being undertaken through the established citizens panel and during customer touch points with the service.


Following scrutiny, the above amendments were supported to Cabinet Board.