Agenda item

Assessment of Resources to support the Democratic Services Function


Members were presented with information relating to the assessment of resources to support the Democratic Services function, as detailed within the circulated report.


The Head of Democratic Services provided a summary of the report. The workload and demand placed upon the Democratic Services Team is consistent and increasing due to the duties place upon them by the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021. Officers also outlined the democratic services support provided to the corporate and joint regional committees.



Officer advised members to take note that the Team are currently working to capacity and their flexibility to undertake further duties would be extremely difficult.


It was noted that the Head of Democratic Services has a statutory duty to report annual on this matter, however given the upcoming workload, members were advised that a report would be provided half yearly.


Resolved: That the Democratic Services Committee endorse the Democratic Services structure set out in Appendix 1 and note the report.



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