Agenda item

Waste Strategy Action Plan




Following the proposal of the Environment, Regeneration and

Streetscene Services Scrutiny Committee, held prior to this meeting, Members were supportive of the amendments to the following recommendations, as detailed below:


That having had due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessment:

·       Measure 5 be approved with consideration of using the material storage bins for presentation as suggested by the scrutiny committee.

·       Measure 11 be approved and notwithstanding the suggestion by Scrutiny to the contrary that there be no deferral of consultations on a potential move to 3 weekly refuse collection, however the consultation be carried out as a phased approach.

·       A Communications protocol be developed to secure engagement with the public generally in relation to obtaining feedback on waste services via the work being undertaken through the established citizens panel and during customer touch points with the service.

Members were supportive of the following recommendations, as detailed in the circulated report:


That having had due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessment:

·       That Measures 1, 4, 6, 7 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, contained within the circulated report, be approved;

·       That Measure 2, contained within the circulated report be approved. That emphasis be provided on the importance of education to the public on the potential new measures, and ensuring that leaflets, advertisement and virtual ‘how to’ videos be provided to the public to ensure engagement and the raising of awareness is achieved’. That emphasis be given to providing information on what happens to recycling once collected;

·       That Measure 3, contained within the circulated report, be approved. That an update on the provision of dog poo bags be provided in the first quarterly performance report available 12 months after the bags are made publically available, to include a schedule of pick-up points across the County Borough;

·       That Measure 8, contained within the circulated report be approved. That the Waste and Neighbourhood Services supervisors continue to monitor street cleanliness levels across the County Borough and, along with service managers, apply their best endeavours to ensure consistency of service delivery across the County Borough through the direction of resources available to them;

·       That a communications protocol be developed to highlight Council policy on missed collections and ensure consistent messaging;

·       That the sum of £350k be used for the purpose of taking forward the action plan, which was identified as part of the 2023/24 revenue budget process for waste and built into the base budget as a one off transfer from reserves;

·       That the Head of Streetcare make an application to Cabinet, via the Corporate Programme Steering Group, for the allocation capital funding of £230,000 from capital contingency to take forward the approved measures.


Reason for Decisions:


The primary reason for implementing the action plan was to continue to make progress towards achieving the next statutory recycling target of 70%, whilst at the same time addressing some service issues.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period, which ended at 9am, Tuesday 18 April 2023.



Supporting documents: