The circulated
report sought Members to agree and set the South West Wales Corporate Joint
Committee budget for the financial year 2023/24.
It was explained
that the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee was responsible for setting
its budget and agreeing the levy charge to constituent authorities; this had to
be set and agreed prior to 31 January 2023.
In the last
meeting of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee, which took place on
7 December 2022, Members were presented with a draft report on the budget for
2023/24; as well as giving early indication to the Corporate Joint Committee
itself, it also allowed Officers to give indications to the constituent
authorities, for their own budgeting purposes, particularly in terms of the
levy charge. During the meeting, the Committee considered three options; taking
into account the pressures and significant financial challenges that each Local
Authority was facing.
The first option was to agree to prioritise
the work of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee and levy
accordingly; which was budgeted at around £1.5million;
Another option considered was to suspend all
activities of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee; this would have
brought legal challenge without approval from Welsh Government;
The option that the Committee agreed on in
draft, was to do minimum in 2023/24 and downsize the budget, with limited work
being carried out in each of the work streams; this would allow progress to be
made on each of the four work streams, however at a much steady state.
It was explained
that the circulated report built on the chosen option to do minimum, and
realigned some of the budgets accordingly. Officers added that the proposed
budget was in line with the budget that was set for the current year; this was
set at around £575k, and the proposed budget for 2023/24 was set at around
£617k. Members were informed that there were four clear work streams of the
Corporate Joint Committee, and each had been allocated £20k; the report set out
that £140k had also been set aside for planning and programme management, which
would include work on the Corporate Plan, and identifying the various actions
and measures that need to be developed through that.
Reference was
made to the key actions, detailed in the circulated report, for the Sub
Committees; the actions clearly set out some of the initial thoughts on the
work that will need to be carried out.
It was concluded
that the National Park Authorities would not receive a levy charge for the
financial year 2023/24, as the value of £20k was not considered to be
significant enough to implement a levy. In addition, it was noted that there
was a requirement in the legislation, in respect of National Park Authorities,
that a levy was only to be raised for their applicable area, which was
strategic planning. Officers confirmed that this arrangement would be
consistent with last year’s budget, due to the limited activity in terms of the
strategic planning development.
Members were
made aware of a sum error on section 2.4 of the circulated report; the figure
should read £140,000.
The Committee
was informed that the budget was broken down into three key elements, the
Section 151 Officer provided a brief overview of these elements:
Joint Committee and Accountable Body
committee – costs estimated of around £263k
Sub Committees – costs estimated of around
Regional Management Office – costs estimated of around £134k
Following on
from the above, it was highlighted that the total budget of 617k would be
shared between the four Local Authorities; the allocation was based on
population size, which was the same process of allocation from last year’s
budget setting. It was mentioned that the Local Authority levy could be found
in the circulated report.
Appendix B of
the circulated report contained a summary of the key activities of the South
West Wales Corporate Joint Committee, that Officers expected to progress based
on the budget that was proposed for 2023/24; more detail of these activities
would be included in the Corporate Plan, including timescales and outcomes.
A discussion
took place in regards to the Regional Transport Plan (RTP), which Leaders had
previously indicated they wanted to prioritise over the next 12 months. It was
explained that before the Christmas period, Officers reminded Welsh Government
that they were yet to issue any formal guidance on the RTP or the Strategic
Development Plan (SDP); following this, it was confirmed that draft guidance on
the RTP had been received. Members were informed that concerns were being
raised, across Wales, in regards to the costs of the RTP and SDP; it would be
important to continue dialogue with Welsh Government in order to identify who
will be resourcing this substantial work.
In regards to
the SDP, it was noted that the draft manual was currently with professionals
for commentary; this work wasn’t likely to progress significantly over the next
year due to the pressures on human and financial resources. It was highlighted
that the focus would be receiving the comments on the draft manual, and having
discussions with Welsh Government in regards to the future funding of this
Members were
provided with further information on the work that was underway in the region
in regards to economic development. It was explained that Officers will be
mapping out this activity, and will provide the detail in a future meeting of
the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee. It was added that some elements
of this work will be captured in the Corporate Plan, including the economic
development infrastructure across the region that could be developed and
progressed over the next year.
It was mentioned
that alongside the work around the economic development opportunities, Officers
in Pembrokeshire Council were leading work on the Regional Energy Plan to
identify how this could be mobilised and put into practice; this included
supporting individual Local Authorities with their own Local Energy Plans.
highlighted that the governance arrangements will need to be refined over the
next 12 months, but the work around this would be significantly less than the
previous year; there would be a focus on embedding governance and mobilising
the structures that were in place.
Thanks were provided
to all those involved in progressing the work, in regards to the budget setting
That the South
West Wales Corporate Joint Committee:
Consider and approve the budget requirement
for the Joint Committee as £617,753 – as set out in Appendix A of the
circulated report;
Approve the Levy Charge based on population
to the constituent authorities as follows:
Authority Levy |
City and County of Swansea Council (Levy) |
215,203 |
Carmarthenshire County Council (Levy) |
165,898 |
Neath Port Talbot CBC (Levy) |
126,022 |
Pembrokeshire County Council (Levy) |
110,630 |
617,753 |
Approve the Sub Committee key actions summary
set out in Appendix B of the circulated report; and provide delegated authority
to the Chief Executive to elaborate upon these as part of the identification of
the well-being objectives, actions/steps/measures to be included within the
Draft Corporate Plan
Supporting documents: