updated members in relation to Asylum and Refugees Resettlement.
asked who was funding the British Red Cross. Officers explained the British Red
Cross were commissioned to provide very specific orientation support to Afghan
families and that was funded by at a tariff from the Home Office.
referred to the company Clear Springs and it referred to three properties for
family accommodation, members asked officers if the property was in addition to
the three properties already in place. Officers explained that the three Afghan
families had arrived and were a refugee resettlements program, which was
entirely different to the asylum dispersal route. Asylum seekers and refugees
had a different legal definition. Clear Springs had been contracted by the Home
Office to source initial accommodation for Asylum Seekers. Officers had no
details on what the nationalities could be and wouldn’t know until the property
was procured.
asked in relation to the host family visa scheme, what would happen if the
relationship between the Ukrainian family and the host family doesn’t go very
well after a few weeks or a couple of months, would the local authority
intervene. Officers explained under the Ukrainian settlements program, the
people arrive in with their visas either through the homes for Ukraine or the
family visa scheme had all the rights to housing, education and benefits so, if
the relationship broke down they could present to the housing options service
who would have to provide advice or temporary accommodation.
mentioned the report briefly explains about the unaccompanied Asylum Seeking
Children and issues they had with the dispersal mechanism from the Home Office.
While Officers had worked well with Welsh Government, the relationship wasn’t
as strong with the Home Office where officers had to write to the Home Office
that there were safeguarding issues and the way they were discharging their
responsibilities. Officers suggested that the committee may want a further
report in relation to the Home Office. Members were happy with this suggestion.
asked in relation to Clear Springs, what input they had with regards to monitoring
the quality of accommodation that the company were allocating. Officers
explained under the Asylum Dispersal Route, Clear Springs had a process whereby
they consult the local authority on a prospective property that they hope to
procure, they would send the details to officers and then they consult with
colleagues across the local authority, which would include Education, Safeguarding,
Housing and Environmental Health. Officers also consult with South Wales
Police, the Health Board, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service to find
out their views also. The form would be required to be returned within five
days and within that form, officers could say whether they were supportive or
not supportive of the property being used.
Home Office and Clear Springs could challenge that and had already pushed back against
one property that was raised concerns about on behalf of South Wales Police.
asked for an update in relation to what the position was around the housing enforcement
and maybe write to the Minister for more clarity. Officers explained they give
assurances that the properties would be in good condition because the company
has had criticism in the past for the quality of their accommodation, officers
agreed to bring an update back to the Committee.
Supporting documents: