Agenda item

Member Development



The Committee received the above report which outlined the progress made to date in relation to Member Development, together with the proposals for 2015/16.

The report recognised the Council's track record of providing a range of opportunities for Members to improve their knowledge and understanding of issues that affect their roles and responsibilities. However, it also recognised that there was scope for these arrangements to be better co-ordinated; better aligned to forward work programmes and for Members to have greater involvement in setting the programme.

On discussing the report, some Members of the Committee, commented that they felt that little progression had been made in relation to the completion of individual Annual Development Reviews (ADRs) over the past 12 months. In response the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services outlined the work that had been undertaken to facilitate the ADR process highlighting the fact that further engagement work may be required to maximise uptake from Members in what was a purely voluntary scheme.


RESOLVED:        a.     That a second round of Member Annual Development Reviews be undertaken, in line with the scheme as revised by the Democratic Services Committee in 2013/14;


                              b.     That a further report in relation to Member Development be submitted to the next meeting of Committee.

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