Agenda item

Modern Gov and Members IT Progress Update



Committee received an update on the installation and development of the new software system Modern Gov.


Members were reminded that a Workshop had been held to introduce Members to the new system.  In addition an all Members Seminar had been held in December.


An ‘IT Hub’ has also been established in the Democratic Services Office to help Members with specific issues.


Committee noted the changes to the system to date together with the next steps.


RESOLVED:       a.         That the progress made in the installation and 

                                       development of the Modern.Gov decision 

    management software, be noted;


b.       That email notifications, be switched on;


c.       That the content of the letter attached at Appendix 1 to be circulated to Members;


d.       That, in order to fully consider how the additional functionality of Modern.Gov can be implemented to suit Members needs, the Member IT Reference Group be formalised so that the next phase of the system’s implementation can be planned in accordance with Members’ needs.



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