Agenda item

Application for the Review of a Premises Licence - Other Place Pontardawe.


Members were asked to consider an application by Environmental Health for the review of the  premises licence for the Other Place (Live Lounge)

Premises Name

Other Place (Live Lounge)

Premises Address

9 Ynysderw Road, Pontardawe,

Swansea SA8 4EG

Applicant Name

Rachel Matthews - Environmental Health Officer

Applicant Address

Environmental Health, Neath Port Talbot Council, The Quays, Brunel Way, Neath SA11 2GG

Premises Licence Holder Name

HD Pub Investments Ltd

Designated Premises Supervisor

Mr Hans Andrei Dionisio Erive


A quorum of three Members are required to take decisions. The Chair was advised that following an apology from one of the Sub-Committee Members (received on the morning of 12 December 2022), that the meeting was not quorate. As Item 4 consisted of a number of lengthy documents, only two Members were available, and there was not enough time for another Member of the Sub-Committee to carefully read over the documentation involved, it was concluded that it would not be fair or reasonable to hold the meeting. The meeting was not quorate and, therefore, could not go ahead, and the Items would be ADJOURNED to a future Sub-Committee meeting.



Supporting documents: