Agenda item

2023/2024 Budget proposals for consultation


Members were supportive of the request made by the scrutiny committee held prior to this meeting.  For member to be provided with additional detail on the budget proposals.


Officers confirmed that a video and leaflets are currently being prepared.  These will explain what the Council provides and will give further detail in an easy read version.  These can be made available to Members. 


In addition, all Directors will be providing further detail on the budget in regard to their services for discussion at the relevant scrutiny committee sessions that have been arranged to discuss the budget.


Also, if members who have questions or need clarity around the budget please contact the Chief Finance Officer or the Chief Executive.  It was important that Members had all the clarification needed in readiness for consideration at Cabinet and Council at the beginning of March.





Having due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessment:


The Draft 2023/2024 Budget Proposals be approved for public consultation from the 19th January to the 10th February 2023.



Reason for Decision:


To fulfil the statutory requirements to consult on the 2023/2024 draft budget proposals.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision will be for immediate implementation with the agreement of the Scrutiny Chairperson.



Supporting documents: