Agenda item

Pre-Decision Scrutiny

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports included for Scrutiny Members)



Members agreed to scrutinise items 7,11,14 and 15 from the Cabinet Board agenda.


NPT Youth Justice and Early Intervention Plan 2022-2023


Members were presented with information relating to the background and summary of the content of the Neath Port Talbot Youth Justice Service Early Intervention and Prevention Service draft Annual Youth Justice Plan 2022-2023.


Members queried why there was a lack of permanency across the intervention staff and what was being done to address this issue. Officers confirmed that the lack of permanency related to specific posts within the team. Some posts are funded by grant funding and are on a rolling year to year contract. There is also going to be a job evaluation carried out on currently advertised posts.


Members asked if future reports could contact some statistics on those that could have a neuro diverse condition


Following scrutiny members were supportive of the recommendations to be considered by the Cabinet Board.




Rapid Re-Housing Report


Members were presented with information relating to the draft NPT Rapid Rehousing Plan.


Officers confirmed that this is part of Welsh Government’s plan to end homelessness. The plan has already been endorsed by Welsh Government and has been acknowledged as one of the most detailed plans received from across Wales.


It was confirmed that there are now over 175 people in interim accommodation. The plan developed is to assist with rehousing people as quickly as possible. There is a particular shortage of 1 bedroom flats. Officers also acknowledged that the people presenting as homeless are much more chaotic and have more support needs. The housing first system will also need to be developed alongside the plan.


The authority also needs to look at suitable accommodation. Welsh Government have advised that all interim accommodation needs to be self-contained and not all accommodation meets that standard. Further, officers are trying to slow down the influx into the service by dealing with issues earlier in the system.


Members queried if there was going to be any additional funding from Welsh Government to support these items. If not, how and who can challenge this.


Officers advised that The Rented Homes Act which was due to come into force shortly is compounding the problem of housing, as many landlords are now selling their properties in response to the act. 


Members commended officers on their work to do on this item. Members asked that officers liaise with planning colleagues to ensure that, when housing is developed, hotspots are avoided where possible. Further, that housing is spread across all the wards.


Members expressed their concern about the location of support services in relation to housing and the residents that require support services. Officers confirmed that part of the Rapid Rehousing Plan is to look at support services and the grant provision which is in place, to look at how persons can be better supported within their accommodation.  It is within the authority’s gift to decommission and recommission all support services and that is what the authority will be doing moving forward with the plan.


Members queried why there was no common housing register. This would make the system more streamlined for the applicant and the various housing associations. Officers confirmed that they considered this option pre-stock transfer, but at that time there was not an appetite for it. However recent conversations have resulted in a more positive engagement and this is something that will continue.


Following scrutiny members were supportive of the recommendations to be considered by the Cabinet Board.



Future of Trem Y Glyn


Members were presented with a report on the details on the available options for Trem Y Glyn.


Members queried the saving of £1.375million under Option 1. Officers advised that that option set out to transfer residents out of Trem Y Glyn into other Pobl care homes, however currently there are only 7 vacancies. Therefore, this would now mean that residents would be transferred to out of county options which would prove more expensive. Due to the current volatile state of the market, the situation is changing week by week.


Officers advised that Pobl beds are more expensive than other providers


Officers advised that there is a block contract with Pobl where prices have been negotiated for a number of years. This includes the fact that Pobl built homes and are taking on some of the current homes of NPT. As part of that a contract has been negotiated which takes into account of this. Rates have been negotiated on a yearly base since then.


Members expressed their concern about the unknown costs that have been indicated in the report and if these are likely to come out of the overall budget for the year. Officers advised that they would try to balance and minimise the risks.


Following scrutiny members were supportive of the recommendations to be considered by the Cabinet Board.



Quarter 1 Performance Indicators


Members queried what the effect of long waiting times for disabled facilities grants on domiciliary care. Officers set out the provisions in place to respond to this.


Following scrutiny members noted the report.