To select appropriate items from the Cabinet (Policy and Resources) Sub
agenda for pre-decision scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny
Equality Plan 2020-2024 - Annual Report 2021-2022
received the Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report for the period 2021-2022 for
consideration prior to its publication in line with statutory requirements, as detailed
within the circulated report.
result of the three Internal Audits that were completed in relation to the
Integrated Impacts assessments were queried by Members. It was asked what
training was going to be provided, what were the previous issues with
integrated impact assessments resulting in further training and would members
require training. Officers explained that training had been developed and
introduced to officers in the last few weeks and members would receive training
in their specific role within integrated impact assessments. It was noted that
the cause for concern was mainly around the completion of Integrated Impacts
Assessments within a timely manner.
Committee highlighted the information from Estyn in
relation to Sexual Harassment in Schools. Members understood that the
Curriculum for the Primary Schools was covering this topic within training
sessions. However, members noted that the concern in terms of equalities and
forward planning was within the Secondary Schools. The Committee therefore
asked that the Chair of Education, Skills and Wellbeing ensures that the
Committee considers how this issue were being tackled within Secondary Schools.
Scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by the
Cabinet Board
Language Promotion Strategy Annual Report 2021-2022
were presented with the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy Annual Report
2021-2022, as detailed within the circulated report.
was discussed that within the strategy it was proposed to produce a list of
words/phrases for use at meetings by non-Welsh speakers to encourage the use of
Welsh at meetings/phrases. However, was felt that this had developed
organically over time thereby reducing the immediate need for an ‘official’
list. It was noted that this would be useful for members and requested that a
list be produced and detailed within Chair briefing notes.
suggested that within the review of the upcoming strategy that clear
differentiation is provided between the roles and responsibilities within the
authority and with the partners.
reporting timeline of the Strategy was discussed. It was noted that there is
nothing within the Welsh Language Standards on the reporting periods, it just
states that a 5 year strategic plan is to be produced and published. However,
Neath Port Talbot Council have prioritised to provide annual reports that fit
in to other corporate deadlines.
queried point 1.2.3 ‘Consider the effects of new housing developments on the
growth of Welsh-medium education or the impact on Welsh speaking communities.’
Within the strategy and queried the progress. Officers confirmed they would
need to discuss with the relevant officer and have to provide a response
outside the meeting.
3.1.6 ‘Ensure that the fall in the percentage of Welsh speakers in the Swansea
Valley is limited, with an action plan specifically designed for the area and
working alongside Ty’r Gwrhyd
to strategically impact on the area’ was queried. It was noted that little
progress had been made on this and requested what the specific reasoning is
that little progress had been made.
Officers confirmed that they would gather a response from the Language
Forum which were responsible for that action. The response would be circulated
to the Committee.
confirmed that members would have an opportunity to re-look at the strategy as
there would be a review period.
Scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by the
Cabinet Board