Agenda item

Planning Applications Deferred

Application under S106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) to vary the legal agreement associated with Planning Permission P2005/0393 (Approved on the 08/02/08).


Application No: P2014/0739


Application under S106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) to vary the legal agreement associated with Planning Permission P2005/0393 (Approved on the 08/02/08), at Former Llandarcy Oil Refinery, Llandarcy, Neath.


Application No: P2014/0913


Reserved matters for 79 residential dwellings plus 5 retail units (Class A1) plus associated infrastructure, public open space and landscaping including details pursuant to the discharge of conditions 10 (Town Code Addendum for Phase 2 only) 40 & 41 (Means of Enclosure temporary/permanent), 42 (Cycle/footpaths), 49 (Retaining structures), 50 (Drainage), 54 (Lighting), 61 (Detailed road/footway/cycleway design), 75 (Highway retaining structures), (Noise Assessment), 87 (Phase Landscaping) & 92 (Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of outline planning permission P2005/0393 (Approved on the 08/02/08), at Phase 2a Coed Darcy, Llandarcy, Neath.


RESOLVED:       the Chair acceded to the Officer’s request to defer the above mentioned applications to a future meeting of the Planning Committee.


Supporting documents: