Agenda item

Pre-Decision Scrutiny

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports included for Scrutiny Members)


National Underground Assets Register

Members were updated on the request to join the UK Government sponsored Geospatial Commission’s National Underground Assets Register Project, as detailed within the circulated report.


Officers informed members that there was an error contained within the report. It was noted that the report was to read ‘only eleven of twenty Local Authorities in Wales yet to sign up’ and not ‘only one of two Local Authorities in Wales yet to sign up’ as detailed within the report.


Members queried what the benefit would be for the Local Authority to participate with the project. Members asked that information be provided on the what the current staff, time and costs would be on gathering the information that would be required as this information would need to be updated every 3 months and could potentially affect resources. Officers highlighted that they currently don’t have the information to provide, however informed the Committee that the overall success of this would be for everyone to take part.


The Committee felt it was important that a further report be brought back to committee Reviewing the decision, detailing further information around the costs and benefits of the scheme and how the Council wishes to continue with project.


Therefore following a proposer and a seconder an additional recommendation was added to the main recommendation, as per below:


Having had due regard to the first stage Integrated Impact Assessment it is recommended that:


·        The Council participates in the NUAR project and signs up the Data Distribution Agreement further to Option 2 in the report;

·        The Director of Environment & Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to sign the Data Distribution Agreement on behalf of the Council

·        Should there be a revenue pressure arising from involvement in the project further to Option 2 then funding would need to be identified within the existing Environment & Regeneration budget should continuation be considered a priority.

·        That a report be brought back in April 2024, detailing a Review of the decision inclusive of further information around the costs and benefits of the scheme and how the Council wishes to continue with the project.


Following Scrutiny, the above recommendation was supported by the Committee to Cabinet Board.


Key Performance Indicators 2022/2023 – Quarter 1(1st April 2022 – 30th June 2022)


Members received information relating to quarter 1 of the Performance Management Data detailed in Appendix 1 and the Compliments and Complaints information detailed in Appendix 2 for the period 1 April 2022 to 30 June 2022 for Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Cabinet Board, as detailed within the circulated report.


Scrutiny raised the following points in relation to the performance indicators and asked officers consider these points for future performance reports:


PI/367 - PPN/001ii - Percentage of high risk businesses that were liable to a programmed inspection that were inspected for Food Hygiene

·        Members queried the above Performance Indicators and shared their concerns around them being in the red category. It was noted that members understood the pressures of the pandemic and understood that this was a main factor.


PI/430 - Percentage of private water supplies where a risk assessment has been carried out in accordance with drinking water standards

·        Members queried the above Performance Indicators and shared their concerns around them being in the red category. It was noted that members understood the pressures of the pandemic and understood that this was a main factor.


 PI/519 - Percentage of high risk businesses that were liable to a programmed inspection that were inspected for Trading Standards & Animal Health


·        Members queried the above Performance Indicators and shared their concerns around them being in the red category. It was noted that members understood the pressures of the pandemic and understood that this was a main factor.


PI/859 & PI/860 – Number of household missed collections

·        Currently has a raw figure number, Members asked that it would be helpful to have this information as the total number expressed as a percentage and a target set on it.

·        Members requested a new Performance Indicator detailing the percentage on missed collections that had been returned and collected, including information on the process on next steps. This would allow scrutiny to have an understanding of what collections were missed and how many of those were collected.


PI/559 – average number of days to collect excess and side waste

·        Members requested a new performance Indicator on Excess and side Waste, number of days to collect/clear/investigate.


PI/906 - Percentage of successful waste enforcement prosecutions.

·        It is showing as just 1 prosecution which is given a percentage of a 100% - Members asked whether this should be based on the reporting figures.  Officers explained that members can have the information however they wish to receive it, however, the information is based on how many prosecutions are completed and how successful those prosecutions are.

·        Members asked that the fixed penalties and prosecutions be separated in to two different performance indicators.


PI/559 - Average number of days to clear fly-tipping

·        Members asked whether both telephone and online reporting’s from members are included in the data. Officers confirmed that yes, the information should include both telephone and online reporting’s.

·        Members asked that a new Performance Indicator be provided on the Percentage of Fly tipping reports which result as prosecution.


PI/907 - Number of successful dog fouling prosecutions including fixed penalty notices.

·        Members asked why the result of this performance indicator is so low and why it is not showing as a percentage. Officers explained that enforcement officers need witness dog fouling and it is very difficult to prosecute particular activity. Members requested information in relation to the staff’s schedule of activity to have an understanding of the areas that are patrolled.

PI/579 - Percentage of all planning applications determined in time

·        It was noted that this particular target had been affected due to staffing levels, officer reassured members that they were in a process of recruitment.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that report be noted.