To select appropriate items from the Cabinet agenda for pre-decision
scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members)
Start Expansion - Phase 1
Scott Jones reaffirmed his interest and left the room for this item.
were presented with information relating to Flying Start Phase One Expansion,
as detailed in the report circulated.
advised that the expansion of Flying Start would go into three areas. The areas
were chosen based on robust data provided by Welsh Government and also Neath
Port Talbot’s own vulnerability and deprivation data. The expansion is very
small and is extended to an additional 127 children. With 32 of those children
falling within the outreach programme.
queried what discussions and work had begun on considering and planning the
rollout of the scheme expansion, in particular with Welsh Government. Members
recognised the large amount of work that would need to be undertaken to promote
the expansion.
confirmed that they are in discussions with Welsh Government who have indicated
that further information is planned to be released over the summer, before
phase 1 begins. Planning for phase 2 is underway in the best way it can be,
until further information is realised from Welsh Government.
asked officers to consider attaching an appropriate glossary to future reports,
where technical abbreviations are used.
scrutiny, members were supportive of the proposal to be considered by Cabinet.
Jones returned to the room.
of Leisure Services
were presented with information relating to the insourcing of leisure services,
as detailed within the report circulated.
report provides a detailed timescale and the various steps required for the
insourcing of the service and the Project Board that has been set up to
undertake this task.
confirmed that a series of meetings has already taken place with Heads of
Services colleagues from other directorates and colleagues from Celtic Leisure
to allow for information to be shared between the two organisations.
queried if officers were working together with other directorates to explore a
holistic approach to ensuring sustainability of the service. For example, links
with mental health services and also social prescribing with the health
was confirmed that currently NPTCBC officers are responsible for the National
Exercise Referral Scheme. Officers work closely with the Health Board and
Public Health Wales. The Council have drawn down an additional £100,000/year to
be able to deliver on behalf of the Health Board. Officers confirmed that when
the transfer of Celtic Leisure is complete it will become part of the new
Leisure Services. Officers will be working with the newly formed leisure
services to ensure that links are formed to deliver services.
confirmed that a business plan would be placed before members in the autumn
which will detail the links to be formed.
queried under 5.11 what would be lost and deprioritised under the increase in
workload. Members expressed their concerns and queried what action has been
undertaken to ensure that there is no damage to services in the current year.
advised that there is an external consultant working with the Council
throughout the transfer process. A consultancy will be appointed to assist with
the preparation of the forthcoming business plan. Officers also confirmed that
as the process of transfer has just started, no specific burdens have come been
identified. It is understood that IT and HR are likely to accumulate the
largest amounts of work as part of the transfer. Regular contact will be
maintained with the appropriate officers to ensure that any increases in
workload are identified and appropriate measures can be considered.
outlined that a communication strategy has been put in place which will be
presented to members for information in September. The Chief Executive of
Celtic Leisure will be updating employees monthly with updated information. The
unions are also aware of this. The communication will be led by NPTCBC.
noted the financial support that has been given to Celtic Leisure and queried
what continued support would be provided to Celtic Leisure until the transfer
has been completed. Officers outlined the current Indemnity Agreement to
indemnify Celtic Leisure against any losses over the management agreement which
is £1.5million. It was confirmed that currently Celtic Leisure trade at around
£2.5millions. Celtic Leisure have benefitted from the Welsh Government loss of
income COVID fund and have a management agreement of £1.5million in place. It
is estimated that this financial year NPTCBC will need to indemnify Celtic
Leisure £600,000.
expressed their concern at the £3.1million funding gap identified in the
noted that trends within health and fitness will frequently change and that it
is important to keep up to date with the trend to ensure that facilities remain
attractive to its clients. Officers confirmed that the business plan will
contain ideas which identify the most commercially driven investment
opportunities that will drive the income generation as much as possible.
Members queried if there would be opportunities for
voluntary redundancies. Officers confirmed that if there were redundancies then
legally voluntary redundancies would need to be offered first.
discussion, the following amendment to recommendation 2 contained within the
circulated report was proposed and seconded: “That the Director
of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning in consultation with the Leader and
the relevant Cabinet Member be
granted delegated authority to make initial decisions required to present a
full business case to Cabinet/Cabinet Board in October/November 2022 to achieve
the delivery of the insourcing of leisure services by the 1st April
2023 (providing that such delegation shall not be utilised where there is a
proposed change in service delivery and or significant cost to service
Following discussion the committee were in support
of the amendment to be considered by cabinet.
scrutiny, members were supportive of the proposal to be considered by Cabinet,
with the amendment included.
Capital Programme Allocations
were presented with information relating to additional capital programme
allocations, as detailed within the report circulated.
queried what sort of investments are being considered and whether there is any
further information on the level and type of investments being considered.
Officers confirmed that this level of detail would come back to cabinet boards
in the autumn.
confirmed that that £1.5million referred to within the report is part of the
Capital Programme base budget that was approved by Council. The £3.5million is
a one off specific capital grant which doesn’t form part of the base capital
budget so doesn’t require consideration by Council. Officers can make
recommendations for Cabinet Boards to consider in relation to this funding.
scrutiny, members were supportive of the proposal to be considered by Cabinet.
in Schools and Education Buildings: Temporary Changes to Current Rent
Scott Jones reaffirmed his interest and left the room for this item.
were presented with information relating to temporary changes to current rent
arrangements as detailed within the report circulated.
acknowledged that the report outlined the temporary changes however did not
outline the current arrangements that are in place. Further, members queried if
a survey had been conducted across the borough to confirm what childcare
arrangements were required or if the scheme was particularly weighted towards
Welsh medium schools.
confirmed that there’s a plethora of arrangements currently in place across
schools, and a detailed breakdown has not yet been able to be obtained by
childcare sufficiency audit has recently been completed, which is currently out
for consultation. The consultation has identified a significant gap in Welsh
language provision and also after school clubs.
scrutiny, members were supportive of the proposal to be considered by Cabinet.
Scott Jones returned to the room.
Renewal and Adaptation Service (HRAS) - Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy
were presented with information relating to the Private Sector Housing Renewal
Policy as detailed within the report circulated.
advised that the changes will have a big financial impact in that the current
funding will be exhausted sooner, as the means testing of some grants will be
queried if officers were working with Tai Tarian to ensure that any items that
were placed in properties as part of the scheme are being recycled. Officers
confirmed that the scheme mostly operates within the private sector, however
where Tai Tarian do have items in place, they try to ensure that suitable
persons are placed in their properties.
outlined the consequences of the new policy, including the likely increase in
applications for funding, the increase in time to deliver funded items and
possible delays in discharge from hospitals due to waiting for suitable
scrutiny, members were supportive of the proposal to be considered by Cabinet.
Shared Prosperity Fund
provided members with a brief presentation, outlining what the UK Shared
Prosperity Fund is. It is a capital and revenue fund based on local
allocations. The fund is based around three priority areas – communities and
place, supporting local business and people and skills.
provided information relating to the identified areas within the priorities and
also a projected timeline with regards to the application process.
confirmed that the fund is not yet opened for projects. The document to be
submitted by 1st August, is a high level strategy document.
scrutiny, members were supportive of the proposal to be considered by Cabinet.
Drive Culvert Reconstruction
There were no questions.
Members were supportive of the proposal to be considered by