Agenda item

Grant Of Dispensations And Renewal Of Grants Under Section 81(4) Local Government Act 2000 (County Borough Council) (Exempt under Paragraphs 12 & 13)


(At this point in the meeting, Councillor W.Carpenter reaffirms his interest, and leaves the meeting for the discussion and voting thereon.)


Members noted that the reference to ‘Neath RFC’ should read ‘Neath RFC Supporters Club’. Officers explained that this was a typing error, and thanked Members for pointing it out.


RESOLVED:               1.  That the applications for dispensation regarding Employment, as set out in paragraph 13 to the private, circulated report, be approved for those members listed in paragraph 16 to speak and vote, and that the dispensations run to the Standards Committee which follows the Annual Meeting of Council 2027.


2.  That a general dispensation to speak and vote on all education matters as a result of appointment as a School Governor, be further granted until the Standards Committee which follows the Annual Meeting of Council 2027.


3.  That a general dispensation to speak and vote on all School Transport matters be granted until the Standards Committee which follows the Annual Meeting of Council 2027, provided it does not directly financially advantage or disadvantage, or give other direct benefit or disbenefit, to a Member or the Member’s family who is employed by the County Borough Council.


4.  That the applications for dispensations concerning School Reorganisation Matters, as set out in paragraph 29 of the Private, circulated report, be approved to those members listed in paragraph 31, to speak but not vote, and that the dispensations run to the Standards Committee which follows the Annual Meeting of Council 2027.


5.  That a general dispensation be granted to speak and vote on all School Admission Policies until the Standards Committee which follows the Annual Meeting of Council 2027.


6.  That a general dispensation be granted to speak and vote on all Parking Policies and Permit Costs until the Standards Committee which follows the Annual Meeting of Council 2027.


7.  That a dispensation be granted to all Members to “speak and vote on issues relating to the provision of leisure services within Neath Port Talbot irrespective of membership or usage of current Celtic Leisure services and facilities”, until the Standards Committee which follows the Annual Meeting of Council 2027.


8.  That the applications for dispensations concerning Miscellaneous Issues, set out in paragraph 43 to the Private, circulated report, be approved in the circumstances to speak or to speak and vote as set out in the Schedule above and that the dispensations run to the Standards Committee which follows the Annual Meeting 2027.


9.  That a general dispensation concerning Voluntary Sector Funding, be further granted to speak only, and that the dispensations cover all matters related to the funding for the voluntary/third sector such dispensations to run to the Standards Committee which follows the Annual Meeting of Council 2027.