this point, Officers present re-affirmed their interest and withdrew from the
meeting for this item only. The Head of People
and Organisational Development and the Democratic Services Officer remained in
the meeting.
D. Jones, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Equality introduced the
report and explained that it was a requirement of the Localism Act 2011 for the
Council to produce a Pay Policy Statement for each financial year as detailed
in the circulated report.
welcomed the continuing reduction in the gap between the lowest and highest
paid officers and asked if there was potential to reduce the gap further or was
this governed by the difficulty in appointing to senior posts and retaining
staff in some sections, what work was taking place to address this.
explained that work was taking place looking at the recruitment and retention
of staff. A recruitment taskforce has
been set up to identify areas of concern but overall Neath Port Talbot does not
have issues with retaining staff especially at a senior level.
addition, pay benchmarking takes place across the 22 authorities in Wales for
senior posts and nationally social workers pay was being considered across
Wales networking meetings are used as a forum to discuss any issues in regard
to an inability to recruit to posts or retain staff. Pay was only one of the issues when
recruiting staff the recruitment campaign also focusses on the many other
positives that working for Neath Port Talbot brings.
the Pay Policy Statement for 2022/2023 be approved for publication on the
Council’s website. |
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