Agenda item

Declarations of Interest


The following Members made a declaration of interest at the commencement of Council.  In regard to Agenda Item 5 Pay Policy Statement 2022/2023. They all have family members working for the Council but had dispensation to speak and vote.


Councillors:         S. Jones

                             L. Jones

                             D. Cawsey

                             J. Hurley

                             M. Protheroe

                             R. Wood

                             A. Llewelyn

                             M. Crowley

                             J. Miller

                             S. Miller

                             S. Harris



The Chief Executive on behalf of all Officers declared an interest in Agenda Item 5 Pay Policy Statement 2022/2023 and would withdraw from the meeting for that item only.  Only the Head of Human Resources and the Democratic Services Officer would remain.