select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for pre-decision
scrutiny (reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members)
The Committee chose to
scrutinise the following Cabinet Board items:
Environment Update
Members were presented
with the extensive work programme which was delivered during the pandemic by
the Environment and Regeneration Directorate.
The Director of
Environment and Regeneration explained that the report identified the work
streams that continued to operate, which was noted to be most of the business
as usual activity; as well as a significant increased workload in response to
the pandemic, and the other work undertaken in response to the climate change
It was stated that the
report was produced in the summer of 2021, and was updated before the end of
2021. Officers expressed that the report was a snapshot of some of the work undertaken
during 2020 and 2021; work continued to place demands on the identified
services, and there had been a significant amount of work undertaken since the
report was initially prepared.
The Committee was
informed of the Directorates original response to the pandemic; staff were
instrumental in setting up the field hospitals, organising the transport hub
and food distribution hub. It was added that Officers also undertook a lot of
cross cutting work such as the Councils response to the energy agenda, decarbonisation
agenda and the City Deal Project.
The Director made
reference to the following two projects which the Council was currently leading
Homes as Power Stations (HAPS) Project – this was a regional project
which was requiring funding of £15m from the Government; it will bring in £490m
as a consequence. Officers hoped that this will enable housing stock across the
region to become more energy efficient in terms of retrofit work, as well as
new build.
Supporting Innovation Low Carbon Growth Project – this project had
already brought in £47.5m and will bring in a further £51m.
It was stated that staff
were active in terms of other business as usual activity. The following work
streams were highlighted:
The Council was currently reviewing the Local Development Plan (LDP),
and was currently in the candidate site stage process; Officers were working
with colleagues across the region to secure evidence to inform the Strategic
Development Plan, which the Council had a statutory duty to provide for the
South West region of Wales.
The Council had undertaken a successful consultation in terms of the
Active Travel Network maps; Officers had been renewing and reviewing those
during the pandemic.
There had been a number of successful ecological projects that had been
Neath Port Talbot (NPT) Council was leading on major regeneration and
planning projects including the Wildfox Resort (formally known as the Afan
Valley project); this was a very exciting project and could be transformational
for the Afan Valley. It was noted that the outline planning permission had been
granted, the Section 106 had been signed and the decision notice had been
released; staff within the Directorate were now working with the developers to
progress through to the next stage (detailed reserved matter stage). Officers
were also working with business colleagues within the area to ensure that
opportunities were maximised in terms of employment, as well as ensuring that
local people had access to those jobs at either the construction or operational
stage; there could be over 900 operational jobs associated with the
development, which would provide benefits for the Afan Valley, wider NPT and
the regional area.
Officers were working on the Global Centre of Rail Excellence (GCRE)
scheme; planning permission had been granted, and a group of Officers were
working with the developers on the next stage of development to ensure that it
becomes a successful project.
The Council recently launched its destination branding for NPT. It was mentioned
that this will help to increase the attractiveness of NPT to visitors, whether
they were day visitors or overnight visitors; the latter was what the service
wanted to encourage more of, so that people stay in the area and see what
assets NPT had to offer.
The Directorate had been working on the Regional Economic Development
Strategy; this had now been agreed by all four Authorities within the region.
It was noted that an Economic Development Plan had been developed to help
obtain funding and secure further economic development projects, within NPT,
going forward.
The Decarbonisation and Renewable Energy Strategy (DARE) had been
produced; Officers were currently undertaking a gap analysis, to establish what
additional work was required to enable a net zero transition plan.
The Plaza project had been ongoing during the pandemic; there was
approximately one month until the project was completed.
Cefn Saeson School was also delivered during the pandemic, with the
official opening taking place next week; this was another success story in
terms of the 21st Century Schools Programme.
Following on from the points raised above, it was noted that there were
many other projects and work streams that had not been included in the report,
that Officers had been dedicated to progressing; one example being the Energy
Park and the issues associated with it.
It was explained the Energy Park work was not included in the report as
the significant developments didn’t occur until January 2022; the Council had
been dealing with this since the start of 2021, when it was first drawn to
attention, and the threat of losing electricity was first raised. Officers
stated that they were trying to keep a low profile on the subject at the time,
as they didn’t want the situation to adversely affect the businesses in the
park; if customers of those businesses were made aware of the problem, it could
have undermined the orders and viability of those businesses going forward.
Members were informed that the electricity had been successfully kept on to
date; however, it was not guaranteed that the private wire network would
continue to provide electricity to assets on the park. Officers confirmed that
the Council, Welsh Government and Western Power Distribution (WPD) had been
working behind the scenes to install a new public wire network; this meant that
the assets and businesses could be transferred over to the new network once it
had been completed.
Officers also made reference to the flooding emergency that occurred
Skewen; Officers within the Planning and Regeneration Teams were involved in
this work, by providing health advice to residents and dealing with the new
drainage system that was being put in place.
Members asked Officers to provide an update on the resilience and
staffing levels within various teams.
Despite the years of austerity, and the cuts that the Directorate had
taken over the years, Officers announced that additional funding had been
allocated from the budget to increase the workforce going forward; the service
should be fully recruited within the next 6 months.
It was noted that the Head of Planning and Public Protection had been
allocated funding to increase recourses within the Environmental Health
Department; there were also new members of staff starting in the Planning
Department shortly. It was explained that the Council had lost key members of
staff in the Planning Department, however the recruitment process had been
successful in terms of replacing some staff; two seniors would be starting in
the department within 6-8 weeks, and Officers hoped to be back in a situation
in which the service will be able to respond to the numerous planning
applications that were being received.
The Committee was informed that the Head of Property and Regeneration
would also be receiving additional resources. It was highlighted that the
Strategic Funding Section would be in receipt of additional funding, which will
provide more suitable resources to put funding bids together to UK, Welsh
Government, and any other funding provider; this will help to ensure that NPT
had very detailed, robust businesses cases. It was added that those businesses
cases were fundamental in the ability to obtain funds within very short periods
of time, to enable the Team to deliver projects across NPT.
Officers mentioned that investment was also being made into the Economic
Development Section, in order for the Council to better support businesses
going forward; the Estates Department and Architects were also going to be
provided with additional support.
The Director confirmed that filling the resource gaps in services was
important; there was acknowledgement that various Teams within the Directorate
have had insufficient levels of staff in more recent years.
It was stated that although having the funds available for more staff
was positive, there was a challenge ahead in terms of being able to recruit the
skilled and experienced individuals to be able to fill the vacancies. Officers
highlighted that the market was very competitive in terms of employment, as the
Council was competing against the private sector and other Local Authorities
within the region. It was mentioned that remote, hybrid working had assisted
staff in accessing employers further away from their local area; the Council
will also benefit from this, however it would be important to retain skilled
and valued staff going forward.
A further discussion took place regarding retention and job creation,
and the difficulty of matching and competing with competitors. Members were
informed that historically, Local Authorities including NPT, had relied on
their good pension schemes for staff and the flexible working arrangements;
Councils had provided a certain type of experience for staff, in terms of
work-life balance, which often wouldn’t compare with the private sector. It was
highlighted this had been slightly diluted during and since the pandemic; the
private sector had now mobilised themselves into the hybrid working
environment, so they were also able to provide a more flexible working
environment for their staff.
Officers acknowledged that there were lessons to be learned going
forward, particularly in trying to make NPT Council a more attractive employer
in terms of that work life balance. It was understood that in the private sector
salary was an issue, and that some of the Authorities within the region pay
higher salaries for similar roles; Officers were working with colleagues in
Human Resources (HR) to try and address the issues.
It was highlighted that there were so many exciting opportunities and
challenges ahead in NPT. As referred to earlier on, the Councils
decarbonisation agenda was a positive challenge; there were so many companies
wanting to locate in NPT to do business and improve the skills and
opportunities for the communities. Officers mentioned that some members of
staff want those challenges, and want to work in Authorities where there were
exciting opportunities ahead of them. It was stated that it would be important
to compare NPT with neighbouring Authorities, in order for NPT to be able to
provide a significantly improved level of competition; undoubtedly, the
challenge will continue in terms of retaining the staff that the Council
currently had.
The Committee was informed that HR colleagues had set up an Organisational
Development Team, who were assisting with the recruitment of those very
difficult to recruit posts. It was mentioned that some jobs had been advertised
four times, without success in recruiting; there were some jobs which didn’t
attract candidates, and others in which the candidates weren’t appointable. In
conclusion, Officers expressed the need to look into other ways of recruiting
staff and marketing NPT Council as a good employer.
Following scrutiny, the
report was noted.
Neath Port Talbot Led Swansea
Bay City Deal Projects Funding Agreements
An update report was
provided to the Committee on the two Swansea Bay City Deal projects that Neath
Port Talbot (NPT) was leading on:
Homes as Power Stations (HAPS) – a regional project to encourage energy efficiency
in homes across the region which was currently in delivery phase; Officers were
working to get the funds launched.
Supporting Innovation and Low Carbon Growth (SILCG) – an exciting
programme which was made up of seven individual projects. Officers provided
examples of some of the projects within the programme, and noted that they were
each at various stages of development.
It was explained that
the business cases for both projects were approved during summer 2021, and the
funding agreements had been signed and agreed.
Members asked for an
update on the progress of one of the individual projects of the SILCG, the
Electrical Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure. Officers confirmed that they
had appointed a specialist in the field of electrical vehicles, from Swansea
University, to help progress this work forward; and they would be starting in a
few weeks’ time. It was noted that an increasing number of funding streams had
started to emerge, and in order for the Council to take advantage of these, a
comprehensive strategy needed to be in place; the progress would be evident in
the upcoming months, and Elected Members will be updated on the work going
A discussion took place in relation to the Property Development Fund and
how it would be utilised in the County Borough. Officers explained that the
funding was geographically located to Harbourside, Baglan Energy Park and the
Baglan industrial estate area; there was a small amount of funding available,
therefore it was important to focus on linking areas, as this funding stream
was a place based approach. It was stated that there were a number of
developers interested in submitting applications for the Property Development
Following on from the
discussion, Officers added that in the future, Members may want to look into
developing the scheme further across the County Borough, which could also
attract more funding; this could be looked at for the next round of the
Levelling UP Fund. It was noted that currently, sites and premises were not one
of the priorities of the Levelling Up Fund; however,
Officers had made representations to UK Government regarding this.
It was mentioned that
Officers had arranged a site visit for UK Government, and showed them the
priority areas across the County Borough; this helped the UK Government to
familiarise themselves with Neath Port
Talbot, in terms of the Levelling Up Fund and the Shared Prosperity Fund.
The Head of Property and
Regeneration explained the current difficulties with sites and premises; there
were issues due to the availability of remediated land and the sites that were
ready to go, as well as the viability gap between the cost of construction and
the value of the premises thereafter. It was highlighted that other Local
Authorities across South West Wales were in a similar position; and Officers
were continually discussing this with Welsh Government.
Members queried how the
HAPS project was going to interface with the private sector in terms of new
builds. It was explained that the project was in the early stages, however the
aim was to test the concept in the public sector and with the Registered Social
Landlords (RSLs); once the optimum mix of renewables and technologies had been
obtained, to reduce the cost due to more demand, then the project would be
rolled out to the private sector.
Following on from the
above, Officers explained that the learning from this project would be shared
with others, including the private sector, in order to share best practice and
lessons learned. It was added that there will be a financial centres fund which
will provide the gap funding for the private sector, as well as RSLs, Local
Authorities and the public sector; this will fund the gap between what would be
a standard build, and what would be an additional build to increase the
efficiency of the home. Members were informed that comprehensive monitoring
would be carried out, looking at the social science as well as the building
performance; this will also be shared on a public platform for all sectors to help
educate on the new technologies. Officers mentioned that they will be setting
up a skills group to ensure there were sufficient skills across the region to
keep up with the changing technology.
The Head of Property and
Regeneration added that at some point in the future, there could be changes to
building regulations; therefore, there will be enforcement as well as the
encouragement. It was noted that Officers were progressing with the
encouragement early to try and normalise the behaviour and to develop a supply
chain, which were both very important.
In regards to the HAPS
project, it was asked if home owners across the Region will be eligible for the
refit or was it going to be provided in designated areas. Members also asked for
information regarding the criteria of the homes that will benefit from the
refit. It was noted that Officers were currently working with a number of
colleagues across the Region, in relation to the criteria for the project;
however, the criteria would be centred towards developers rather than
individual home owners. Officers highlighted that the funding will allow for
the various sectors to track the leverage, which will go towards the match
Members were informed
that there wasn’t enough money in this funding stream for individual
homeowners, however there were other funding streams available direct to home
owners; Officers will be establishing a user friendly signposting system for
the public, in order for them to be aware of how to find further information
relating to funding, retrofits and technology. Officers confirmed that they
would be able to share the criteria with Members, once it had been developed;
as well as updates on the other elements such as the sig signposting system for
individual home owners.
Further to the
discussion in relation to the retrofit, it was raised that there were a lot of
private home owners who didn’t fit into any of the main categories e.g. they
weren’t involved with a RSL; therefore, there was a large element of risk for
these home owners. It was stated that a lot of the technologies were relatively
embryonic, and home owners were quite concerned about risking their own money
for a project they weren’t sure would work in the way in which they hoped.
However, it was noted that this scheme will provide more information for these
home owners; the work around skills and training will also help to make sure
that suitably qualified and experienced individuals were involved to assess the
various properties, including what kit would be required. It was added that it
would also be important to employ individuals who were suitably trained to
install the kit and maintain thereafter.
A discussion took place
in relation to the Air Quality Monitoring Project, following Members requests
for further information on this project. Officers explained that the aim for
the air quality monitoring sensors, was to trial new technologies; there were
currently stationary official monitoring stations, and Vortex had developed
around 70 very sensitive, low cost, mobile air quality sensors which could be
deployed across different locations. It was added that the Vortex project was
at early stages and was a pilot project; it will provide more improved,
localised, granular information about sources of pollution.
Further to the above, it
was highlighted that Environmental Health Officers were working on a localised,
12 month study project; this will be in conjunction with the Vortex project,
and will look specifically at particular facilities. Members were informed that
Officers were in the process of setting up this project.
The Committee asked if they
will be receiving any updates on other city deals that Neath Port Talbot were
not leading on; e.g. the digital infrastructure that was being led by
Carmarthenshire Council. Officers confirmed that they could provide updates on
other city deal projects; all projects were starting on the delivery phase,
therefore a lot more activity will be seen. It was mentioned that there was a
Regional Board set up for the digital project, and Neath Port Talbot will be
receiving additional resource aligned to that digital project.
Following scrutiny, the
report was noted.
Substance Misuse Action
Fund: Grant Agreements
Members received a
report relating to grant agreements for the Substance Misuse Action Fund.
The Committee discussed
the sustainability of the fund, in particular long term funding in order to
deliver on actions. It was stated that previously, Welsh Government had
provided a yearly substance misuse action fund grant. However, it was explained
that more recently there had been discussions regarding Welsh Government
providing more financial certainty, over a three year period; if this were to
happen, Officers would welcome this. Officers explained that the circulated
report outlined the funding arrangements utilising monies from this financial
year, and the next financial year; in looking at the Area Planning Board (APB)
priorities going forward, it was likely that such schemes will continue to be
In addition, Officers
confirmed that a strategic review of prescription services was going to be undertaken
by the APB support team; this could change the way in which the services
operate. It was noted that prescription services were an integral part of the
work of the APB; whether they were continued in the current format or another,
the work around prescription services will continue. Members were informed that
the review will look at factors such as what was worked, what didn’t work and
what the future of the model should look like in order to fill the gaps. It was
explained that the APB was embarking on a change journey to try to work towards
an integrated public health model; this type of model wouldn’t work without
prescription services.
Reference was made to
the buildings that were used for needle exchanges and collection of Methadone
in order to support the service users. Members mentioned that some of the
locations of these buildings weren’t always fit for purpose, and sometimes
anti-social behaviour occurred in these localities. It was queried whether
there was funding available to secure more suitable locations for these
services. Officers stated that there were many difficulties associated with
finding the right location, and it was vital that the buildings were situated
where there was a need and so that they were easily accessible for the service
users; location was a key factor that Officers looked at, and would continue to
look at. It was highlighted that the previously mentioned wider public health
model, would include arrangements that were fit for purpose; this would not be
immediate, however Members will be updated as the model progresses.
Following scrutiny, the
Committee were supportive of the recommendation to go to Cabinet Board.
Quarter 3 Performance
Indicators 2021/22
The Quarter 3
Performance Management Data for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2021,
was presented to Members.
A discussion took place
in relation to the number of PM10 breaches in the Air Quality Management Area
(Port Talbot/Taibach); the circulated report detailed that this performance
indicator had a red rating and listed 32 breeches in 2021/22 compared to 4 in
2019/20. Members asked for further detail about this. Officers highlighted that
the exceedances experienced this year were a lot higher than the last, and that
was recognised; the annual target was noted to be 35 exceedances, therefore the
Council was almost at the threshold to surpass the annual target. It was
confirmed that the Head of Planning and Public Protection had spoken with
Officers to try and understand the detail behind the issues; the reports of the
beeches revealed that TATA Steelworks was likely to be the source.
In addition to the
discussion, Officers explained that Natural Resources Wales (NRW) were the
regulator of the TATA site, and were continuing to investigate going forward;
NRW provided Officers with a suggestion as to one of the reasons why the
breeches could be occurring. It was stated that there was a reduced production
as a consequence of the pandemic, which had led to some difficulties on site in
terms of managing the stockpiles; this was leading to potential more instances
where fugitive dust was emitted from the site. Members were informed that NRW
had requested that TATA provide additional dust suppression methods and more
vigilance, as a consequence of these exceedances; Environmental Health Officers
were continuing to work closely with Welsh Government officials and NRW
officials to pinpoint the issues and investigate them accordingly. Officers
stated that the breeches were a concern; however, monitoring was continuing, and
the Vortex project would hopefully provide more information about localised
Members asked what would
happen if the exceedance levels were surpassed; and queried if an impact
assessment on the health of the community that live in close proximity of the
industry, was going to be undertaken. It was explained that the performance
indicators were linked to the air quality objectives, and these needed to be
reported on an annual basis to Welsh Government; the annual target had been
surpassed previously, in which Welsh Government was then informed through the
air quality objectives. It was mentioned that the air quality management area
in Margam, Taibach were linked to this work; as well as the previously
mentioned Vortex project. It was stated that all of this was governed and
pointing to a better understanding of what issues were happening locally;
Environmental Health Officers, Welsh Government and NRW were working closely
together in relation to this site. Officers added that discussions will take place
regarding potential health assessments in the future, specifically as a
consequence of this site.
Following scrutiny, the
report was noted.
Audit Wales National
Study – Regenerating Town Centres in Wales
The Committee was
provided with an action plan setting out the Councils response to the
recommendations identified by Audit Wales following their national study
(Regenerating Town Centres in Wales).
Reference was made to
the mention of transport, access and parking within the circulated report.
Members asked if Welsh Government would be formally responding to the actions
in the report that they were required to complete; particularly around the
parking element. Officers explained that parking was an ongoing issue; when
analysing the bid questionnaires, a lot of businesses had raised that free
parking in town centres would be very beneficial to them. However, it was noted
that this needed to be balanced out against sustainable transport and various
other factors; offering free parking may not reflect the policy that Welsh
Government pursues in terms of reducing the number of vehicle movements.
A discussion took place
in regards to the multi-story car parks that the Council owns; it was asked if
an audit of the car parks could take place in order to determine how they could
be made more welcoming for visitors. The Head of Property and Regeneration
confirmed that this was being looked into; with all Council owned buildings,
there was an ongoing maintenance regime. It was mentioned that the budget was a
large factor in how this work would be progressed.
The Committee raised the
importance of digital infrastructure; having the correct set up was pivotal in
staying connected. Officers mentioned that some people would take advantage of
free Wi-Fi, if it was to be wider available across the town centres; however,
some may not be as interested as people tend to be more stationary when they
want to take advantage of that e.g. in restaurants. It was noted that Officers
were looking at digital connectivity and how it could work for town centres
across the County Borough; these studies will hopefully provide information on
what was thriving and where more attention was needed.
In regards to business
rates, it was highlighted that a lot had changed, particularly during the
pandemic; individuals were using online shopping more than ever. Officers
stated that this needed to be balanced out, as in many cases, online retailers
were flourishing a lot more than those who provided a physical presence in town
centres; there needed to be more encouragement to visit town centres. Members
were informed that Welsh Government acknowledged this and were looking into how
this could be dealt with going forward. Officers added that the report should
have recognised that the whole business rates system itself needed to be looked
Members expressed the
need for town centres to have improved facilities for arts, heritage and
culture. Officers confirmed that they had been looking to diversify the town
centres for a while; pre pandemic, they had put plans in place to deliver the
leisure facility in the heart of Neath Town Centre. It was noted that this how
these facilities could be delivered was being looked across the County Borough;
the Plaza development will be an important part of this work for Port Talbot.
Officers highlighted that this was a great way of getting people back into town
centres and making them more viable; retail will not be the only reason that
people use town centres going forward, and it was important for the Council to
consider ways of making town centres interesting in a different way.
Officers mentioned that
consultants were being employed currently to look at developing a strategy for
the secondary and tertiary town centres; this includes areas such as
Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen and Ystalyfera.
Attention was drawn to
the list of Welsh Government funding to Local Authorities in 2020-21 for town
centre regeneration, which was contained within the circulated report; it
showed that Neath Port Talbot were third on the list, behind Swansea and Newport,
which was a positive for the County Borough.
A further discussion
took place in regards to developing the heritage and cultural aspects of town
centres, in particular sports such as football and rugby museums. Members were informed
that the Council was looking to develop its cultural heritage strategy; a lot
of elements will be picked up in the strategy, including an understanding of
the sporting heritage.
Reference was made to
issues surrounding free Wi-Fi in town centres; it had been raised that being
well connected was causing Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in certain areas in Neath. Members expressed that if the Council was going to be
further connecting communities and towns in the digital aspect, it would be
important to ensure that large groups didn’t intimidate shoppers and cause ASB.
Officers explained that
there were partnerships set up for both Neath and Port Talbot town centres;
these meetings look at various issues relating to the town centres, including
identifying ongoing problems and coming up with ideas to reduce incidents
occurring. It was noted that Officers would need to manage this issue as the
connectivity work progressed, and manage it in conjunction with the various
Teams. It was added that the Police were represented in the town centre
partnerships, and had improved links with the Council.
In addition to the
discussion, it was noted that the Community Safety Team, on behalf of the
Community Safety Partnership, had called together various partnership meetings
to take a partnership and solution focused approach in order to address the
issues; some of which included elements such as the substance misuse outreach
workers, and improved work to promote the use of the radios. It was added that
these meetings also highlighted the positives of the town centres, and
encouraged close work with South Wales Police who lead in terms of enforcement
The circulated report
highlighted that there were eight town centres within the County Borough;
Members asked for the full list of these town centres. Officers referenced the
following to be the eight town centres, however would send the confirmed list
to Members outside of the meeting:
Port Talbot
Briton Ferry
Following scrutiny, the
report was noted.