C. Clement-Williams, Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report which had
been commended to Council form Cabinet on the 28th February 2022. It
was highlighted that this year was a landmark budget as Council was being asked
to freeze Council Tax at 2021/2022 levels for the first time since its
formation. The budget also included monies to improve essential services,
schools and education. In addition, 2.8 million from reserves would be utilised
to support one off Covid recovery investments.
Also, to increase investments to improve the look of streets and
neighbourhoods and youth services to help the young people of Neath Port
Talbot. It was noted that this positive
financial position was not only due to the financial settlement received from
Welsh Government but due to the management of previous budgets. Members thanked the Chief Finance Officer
asked that their appreciation be cascaded to the Finance Team for all the work
they have undertaken in developing the budget report being considered at
Council today.
on, discussion took place on the proposal to continue Council Tax at 2021/2022
levels. Members queried whether there
was any opportunity to reduce Council Tax by 2.75% rather than freeze it at 2021/2022
levels, funded from general reserves.
Concern was expressed at the level of deprivation in Neath Port Talbot
County Borough and the continuing rise in the cost of living and its effect on
were reminded of the recent proposal to develop a Neath Port Talbot Hardship
Fund by setting aside £2 million from reserve with the detail of the fund to be
developed and reported back for Members consideration at a future date.
on, it was highlighted that any reduction in Council Tax and reducing general
reserves would not be prudent or sustainable going forward into future years.
amendment was put to Council and there followed a request for a recorded vote,
on the following amendment, which received the requisite support in accordance
with the requirements of Section 14.5 of Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution –
Rules of Procedure.
That the 2022/2023 Band D
equivalent for Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council will be £1,614.37 and
that there be a 2.75% reduction in Council Tax as opposed to a freeze as
derailed in the report with the gap of 2.75% being funded from the general
reserve (representing a sum of £1.669m be taken for 2022/2023).
the Amendment:
Councillors: |
Bamsey, H.C.Clarke, N.E.Davies, R.Davies, C.Edwards,
J. Evans, W.Griffiths, J.Hale, S.Harris, N.Hunt, S.K.Hunt, J.Hurley, C.James,
H.Jones, J.Jones, S.Jones, S.Knoyle, D.Lewis, A.Llewelyn, L.M.Purcell, A.J.
Richards, M.Spooner and C.Williams. |
the Amendment:
Councillors: |
D.Cawsey, C.Clement-Williams, S.Lynch, A.P.H. Davies, O.Davies, S.Freeguard,
C.Galsworthy, M.Harvey, H.N.James, C.J.Jones, D.Jones, L.C.Jones, R.G.Jones,
D.Keogh, E.V.Latham, A.R.Lockyer, J.Miller, S.Miller, S.Paddison, S.M.Penry,
M.Protheroe, S.Pursey, S.Rahaman, P.A.Rees, S.Renkes, S.Reynolds,
P.D.Richards, A.J.Taylor, R.L.Taylor, D.Whitelock, A.Wingrave, R.W. Wood and
A.R.Woolcock. |
Councillor: J.D.Morgan
Present for Vote:
Councillors: |
R.Mizen, D.M.Peters and R.Phillips |
a result of the above the amendment fell and there followed a request for a
recorded vote, on the substantive recommendation contained in the circulated
report, which received the requisite support in accordance with the
requirements of Section 14.5 of Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution – Rules of
the Recommendation:
Councillors: |
D.Cawsey, C.Clement-Williams, S.Lynch, A.P.H. Davies, O.Davies, S.Freeguard,
C.Galsworthy, M.Harvey, H.N.James, C.J.Jones, D.Jones, L.C.Jones, R.G.Jones,
D.Keogh, E.V.Latham, A.R.Lockyer, J.Miller, S.Miller, S.Paddison, S.M.Penry,
M.Protheroe, S.Pursey, S.Rahaman, P.A.Rees, S.Renkes, S.Reynolds,
P.D.Richards, A.J.Taylor, R.L.Taylor, D.Whitelock, A.Wingrave, R.W. Wood and
A.R.Woolcock. |
the Recommendation:
Councillors: |
Bamsey, H.C.Clarke, N.E.Davies, R.Davies, C.Edwards,
J. Evans, W.Griffiths, J.Hale, S.Harris, N.Hunt, S.K.Hunt, J.Hurley, C.James,
H.Jones, J.Jones, S.Jones, S.Knoyle, D.Lewis, A.Llewelyn, L.M.Purcell, A.J.
Richards, M.Spooner and C.Williams. |
Councillor: J.D.Morgan
Present for Vote:
Councillors: C.M.Crowley, R.Mizen, D.M.Peters and
given due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessment: 1. The Council’s Revenue Budget and service plan investments for 2022/2023 as set out in Appendix 1 and 2 to the circulated report be approved. 2. That the £2.8m from the Insurance reserve to be used to
deliver a number of one off investments to support Covid recovery including
the recruitment of staff to deliver work around the best start in life. 3. That delegated authority be granted to the appropriate
Corporate Director following consultation with the Council Leader, relevant
Cabinet Member and Chair of the relevant Scrutiny Committee too: ·
Set Fees and Charges (Executive) for the financial year 2022/2023. ·
Set Fees and Charges (Executive) which are applicable in any
subsequent financial year and which, in the opinion of the relevant Corporate
Director, need to be set in advance of the financial year for operational
reasons. 4. That delegated authority be granted to the appropriate
Corporate Director following consultation with the Council Leader, Deputy
Leader and Chair of the relevant Non-executive committee to: ·
Set Fees and Charges for (non-executive) functions for the year
2022/2023. ·
Set Fees and Charges (non-executive) which are applicable in any
subsequent financial year and which, in the opinion of the Corporate
Director, need to be set in advance of that financial year for operational reasons. 5. That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Finance
Officer, in consultation with the Chief Executive, Leader and Cabinet Member
for Finance, to make any amendment necessary through the use of general
reserves, as a consequence of the final settlement due 2nd March
2022. 6. That there be no increase in Council Tax in 2022/2023 with
tax levels being frozen at 2021/2022 values.
The 2022/2023 Band D equivalent for Neath Port Talbot County Borough
Council will remain at £1,660.02. |
Supporting documents: