given due regard to the Integrated Impact Screening Assessment:
1. The progress towards winding-up Neath Port Talbot Recycling
Limited and Neath Port Talbot Waste Management Limited be noted.
2. That delegated authority be granted to the Director of
Environment and Regeneration to agree the acquisition of Neath Port Talbot
Waste Management Limited assets for £129,000 and that this amount be built into
the Council’s Capital Programme.
3. That delegated authority be granted to the Director of
Environment and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Engineering to agree any documentation
necessary for the transfer of Neath Port Talbot Waste Management Limited assets
to the Council.
4. That the Director of Environment and Regeneration be granted
delegated authority to transfer the Environmental Permit for Giants Grave to
the Council on a date to be determined by the Director of Environment and
5. That the winding up process that Neath Port Talbot Recycling
Limited and Neath Port Talbot Waste Management Limited will take and the
redundancy payments that are to be issued to directors and the company
secretary be noted.
6. That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive and
the Head of Legal and Democratic Services as the Council’s Shareholder
representatives for Neath Port Talbot Recycling Limited and Neath Port Talbot
Waste Management Limited to enter into agreements necessary to confirm the Council’s
consent to the winding up of Neath Port Talbot Recycling Limited and Neath Port
Talbot Waste Management Limited and issue any directions that may be necessary
to implement the winding up.
7. That a suitable arrangement be put in place for the site management
of Giants Grave on terms to be agreed by the Director of Environment and
Reasons for Decisions:
ensure that suitable arrangements are in place for the winding up of Neath Port
Talbot Waste Management Limited and the Neath Port Talbot Recycling Limited.
Implementation of
decision will be implemented after the 3 day call in period which ends at 9am,
Friday 25th March 2022. No
call ins were received.
Supporting documents: