Agenda item

Questions from Members, with Notice, under Rule 9.2 of the Council's Procedure Rules


The following question was received under Rule 9.2 of the Council’s Procedure Rules.


“Following the British Government's decision to refuse a bank holiday in Wales for St David's Day, will Neath Port Talbot Council consider following the example set by Gwynedd Council and create a defacto bank holiday for council staff and give TOIL to those carrying out essential services? Will Neath Port Talbot Council and its leadership also consider following Caerphilly Council in lobbying both Welsh and UK governments to ensure this power is devolved, bringing about equality across these Islands?”


Councillor D. Jones, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Equalities responded by confirming that a clear commitment was made in the Council’s Corporate Plan to increase the focus given to heritage and culture and to ensure that the Welsh Language and traditions could be enjoyed by future generations.


Officers were asked to provide detailed advice on the proposal to create a bank holiday for council staff, which would include learning from Gwynedd Council.


In addition, requests would be made in writing to both the Welsh and UK Governments asking that the powers to set bank holidays be devolved to the Welsh Government.