Agenda item

Draft Budget for Consultation 2022-23






1.      That the Chief Executive consult with the public on a 0%   council tax rise and the other investment proposals      contained within the circulated report.


2.      That the ER/VR Reserve be re-purposed as detailed in the circulated report.


3.      That the general reserve balance be reduced incrementally to approximately 4% of the Council’s net revenue budget.


Reason for Decisions:


To enable the consultation to take place on the 2022/23 draft budget and to comply with the Council’s constitution regarding use of reserves.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decision is for immediate implementation, with the support of the Chairperson of the previous Scrutiny Committee..  The decision will be implemented following the meeting on the 5th January 2022. 




The public consultation starts today the 5th January until the 1st February 2022.

Supporting documents: