RESOLVED: That Community Councillors
Sonia Reynolds and Sarah Thomas be granted a on the term set out below, and
that the application for dispensation runs to the Standards Committee which
follows the Annual meeting 2022.
“To speak and vote on issues relating
to the business of Canolfan Maerdy
at Gwaun Cae Gurwen Community Council provided that:
they do not directly financially advantage or disadvantage or give other
direct benefit or disbenefit to a Member or the
Member’s family
it does not relate to a grant application or consideration of a contract
between Canolfan Maerdy and
the Community Council
and that this dispensation will not apply in
circumstances where a member of the public might reasonably conclude that the
role of trustee would significantly affect the Councillor’s ability to act
purely on the merits of the case and in the public interest.”
Supporting documents: