Agenda item

Quarterly Performance Management Data 2021-2022 - Quarter 2 Performance (1st April 2021- 30th September 2021)


Members received the Quarter 2 Performance Management Data, for the period 1st April 2021 to 30th September 2021, for Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning Directorate relating to Community Safety and Public Protection.

Discussions took place regarding the Performance Indicators that were rated ‘Red’ on the traffic light system detailed in the circulated repot; the Committee asked if there was a plan to try and improve this to an ‘Amber’ or ‘Green’ rating. Members also raised concerns in regards to the impact on resource and capacity if the demand was to continue to increase. Officers highlighted that the RAG traffic light system was not always reflective of the performance, instead it was reflective of the demand on the service. It was explained that the Performance Indicator detailing the percentage of incidents of domestic abuse where people were repeat victims was rated ‘Red’ on the traffic light system,

 as the Teams saw more repeat victims come through the service than the number that they first anticipated. It was noted that this could be seen as positive as individuals were accessing the service to obtain the help that they needed; there were various complex needs of individuals, and the more that Officers encouraged people to use the service, the more that will come looking for support. Members were informed that Officers were hoping to carry out a piece of work which will look at some repeat cases in more detail, in order to check that the Team have the right understanding and knowledge of the reasons why they were repeat referrals. It was highlighted that the IDVA’s (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor) within Community Safety, saw a high number of victims come through the service that had previously received support, known as ‘repeat victims’. It was noted that this could be seen as positive, as individuals were accessing the service to obtain the help that they need; some feel unable to fully engage with support for domestic abuse due to the many complexities and the dynamics involved in an abusive relationship. Officers stated that the Community Safety Team and partners, continue to encourage victims to come forward and receive help, and repeat referrals into the service were always welcomed. However, it was mentioned that there was always various complex needs of individuals that could sometimes make the cycle even harder to break. Members were informed that Officers hoped to carry out a piece of work which will look at some repeat cases in more detail, in order to check that the Team fully understand the reasons for repeat presentations to the service; this work does depend on increased demand that may result from changes to Covid-19 restrictions and the subsequent impact this has on incidences of domestic abuse.

In regards to the Performance Indicators that were relating to referrals into the service, it was noted that the Council will continuously publicise the service and the support that was available; therefore, these figures were always likely to be rated ‘Red’ on the traffic light system.

As previously mentioned, Officers hoped to gain more understanding of the repeat referrals and carry out this piece of work in the New Year; however, they were currently unable to provide a timeline of when this can be done due to the current high demands on the service.

Reference was made to Performance Indicator 483, which was the number of agreed service outcomes achieved in Area Planning Board (APB) commissioned substance misuse services; the narrative explained that CDAT Swansea and CDAT NPT both had waiting lists which prevented individuals from being able to access the support they needed. The circulated report stated that this was being addressed with the Health Board, who were awaiting the outcome of their internal review. Members asked when this information would be made available and expressed their concerns with the impacts of the waiting lists. Officers highlighted that the Health Board had completed their internal review and were considering the next steps; additionally, they were working hard to find immediate solutions and actions to help reduce the numbers, such as holding extra clinics and seeing more people during the working day. It was mentioned that Health Board colleagues would express their concerns around the increased demand on these services, which was ultimately the reason for the waiting lists; the Council would continue to work with the Health Board on this issue.

Officers agreed to circulate the most up to date waiting list figures to Members after the meeting; and would also keep Members updated on this matter.

Members highlighted that the Performance Indictor which related to the percentage of non-fatal over-doses notified through the protocol that received appropriate advice and or other intervention, had a figure of 133.00 for 2021/22; it was asked if this was a typing error, as in the explanation in the circulated report, it stated that so far six people had received an intervention or advice, which was 50%. Officers confirmed that they would check this outside of the meeting and inform Democratic Services of the outcome.

Following scrutiny, the report was noted.


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