Agenda item

Short Term Service Resilience Framework




For Immediate Implementation


1.      That a specific reserve in the value of £2 million be established within the cash limit already approved for 2021/2022 to implement the measures set out in this report to mitigate the risk that the Council will be unable to sustain essential services due to insufficient workforce capacity.


2.      That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Leader of Council and Cabinet Member for Equalities and Corporate Services to apply the reserve for the purposes outlined in this report.



Reason for Decisions:


To ensure the Council implements mitigation measures to enable essential services to be sustained.


Implementation of the Decisions:


Cllr Rahaman, Scrutiny Chairperson, was supportive of the immediate implementation of the decision.


The decision is for Immediate Implementation and not subject to the 3 day call in period.


Supporting documents: