Agenda item

Application No. P2014/0825 - Foel Tawsnant Wind Farm

Installation of 11 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 145m to generate up to 33 MW, together with ancillary development including substation and control building, on site underground electrical cables, stone site access tracks, temporary construction compounds, turbine foundations and temporary crane pads. (Amended application which seeks a reduction in the number of turbines from 13 to 11, an increase in maximum tip height of turbines from 120m to 145m) at Foel Trawsnant, Bryn, Port Talbot.


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application (Installation of 11 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 145m to generate up to 33 MW, together with ancillary development including substation and control building, on site underground electrical cables, stone site access tracks, temporary construction compounds, turbine foundations and temporary crane pads. (Amended application which seeks a reduction in the number of turbines from 13 to 11, an increase in maximum tip height of turbines from 120m to 145m) at Foel Trawsnant, Bryn, Port Talbot) as detailed in the circulated report.



That in accordance with Officers’ recommendations, and subject to the Section 106 legal agreement, as well as the conditions detailed in the circulated report, Application No. P2014/0825 be approved.



Supporting documents: