Agenda item

Community Safety Partnership - Update on Anti-Social Behaviour in NPT


Officers gave members an update on Anti-Social Behaviour in Neath Port Talbot. It was discussed that the presentation would be circulated to all members in order for them to see what had gone on in their wards.

South Wales Police gave an update on Anti-Social behaviour and the figures in Neath which were looking good. Since April through to October there was a reduction by 36%, more specifically in the Town Centre which had been a reduction of 22.8%. All wards had a decrease apart from two which were Pontardawe which saw an increase of 10.4% and also Crynant. The work within the Town Centre had been fantastic and thanked everyone for their hard work.

Since increased presence in the Town Centre, SWP had a total of 137 ASB referrals, 75 Section 35 notices, 81 arrests, 10 Cannabis warning notices, 4 seizures of alcohol and 92 stop searches.

South Wales Police gave an update on the Port Talbot area. In August 2021 SWP received 212 anti-social behaviour calls, 50 were around the Town Centre, in September they saw a reduction and a total of 112 calls. In October there were 8 calls regarding the Town Centre.


Members were very concerned with regards to an area on the outskirts of Neath town centre, regarding members of the public misbehaving. Members asked was there any way this could be addressed as the residents and tenants were concerned. SWP was aware of this, and updated members that this was a priority and were exploring with the Local Authority at a potential closure order for the premises. SWP reassured members they know the impact that was having on the community and were putting full effort behind doing something positive and sustainable to get this looked at.

Members asked in relation to Station Road, what sort of work the police undertakes with the landlord. SWP commented that the properties were all social housing and were working with the agents with regards to them.


Members asked with regards to car parks in Port Talbot, public go there in the evenings, playing music etc. Members have had a meeting with the parking team and were looking into this across the whole sea front and not just the one car park. Officers stated that whatever was put in place with one car park had to go across the board and were very pleased to hear that this was being looked at. Members mentioned about children being bored in places, there was not a lot for them to do in the area and that’s why they cause problems. Officers stated that with the pandemic, PCSO haven’t been able to engage as much as they hoped, also the School Liaison Officer had left which had a big impact. With Halloween, Bonfire night etc. there was always a spike in anti-social behaviour. Members asked what was the best way to get in touch with the police and were told previously to ring 101, use social media or 999 if emergency etc. Officers confirmed that all the avenues that were publicised and available should be used.

SWP suggested and was happy to receive email from councillors at the end of the month to update them on what was being raised on their groups as an additional reporting method.

Members wanted to thank PSCO’s which were serving the community brilliantly.



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