Agenda item

Report of the Member Induction 2022 and Diversity in Democracy Task & Finish Group


Officers presented a report containing the outcomes of the Task and Finish Group which was established to consider the Member Induction Programme for 2022 and the Diversity in Democracy.

Following various meetings of the Task and Finish Group, a draft Member Induction Timetable had been produced (detailed in Appendix 1 of the circulated report); the comments and feedback from the Members of the Group had been incorporated into the timetable. It was stated that there will be additional elements that will need to be included over the coming months, and Officers were going to be meeting with Corporate Directors to obtain their views on what they think would be beneficial for Members during this period.

It was explained that the timetable was set out in two formats, a list of the various meetings and training sessions, and a diary marker to display how they were going to be spread out; Officers were conscious not to overload Members in the first few weeks as there would be a lot to take in following the Election. Therefore, Officers had produced a structured Programme providing Members with the basic information needed in the weeks leading up to the Annual General Meeting (AGM), and gradually phasing the other elements into the programme over the summer period.

Members were informed that the Task and Finish Group also completed work in regards to Democracy in Diversity element and how the Council could contribute positively to Diversity in Democracy; following this, an Action Plan had been prepared (detailed in Appendix 2 of the circulated report). It was mentioned that the Action Plan contained various elements, including the establishment of a Council website page ‘Becoming a Councillor’; this webpage was now live, and will be built on further over the coming months to include more relevant information.

Following consideration of the report presented, it was resolved that:

(a) Members of the Democratic Services Committee endorse the Member Induction Timetable for Local Government Elections in 2022 and forward the same to Full Council for information purposes.

(b) Members of the Democratic Services Committee endorse the proposed Diversity in Democracy Action Plan and the same be forwarded to Full Council for approval.


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