The Committee were
provided with a report on the outcomes of an assessment of the adequacy of
resources within the Democratic Services Team.
Following the successful
appointment of the Democratic Services Manager to the post of Head of
Democratic Services, there was a need to consider the operational capacity and
structure of the Democratic Services Team; the Head of Democratic Services role
involved focussing more on the strategic aspects of the function including
implementing the requirements from the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011
and preparing for Member Induction 2022.
Appendix 1 of the
circulated report detailed the existing structure of the Democratic Services
Team, and Appendix 2 detailed the proposed structure. It was proposed to
introduce two Senior Democratic Services Officers at Grade 9 to the Team; these
posts would be ring fenced to the existing Democratic Services Team members
given the level of expertise and knowledge they will need to have). It was
highlighted that they would be responsible for overseeing Scrutiny Support and
Project Management, and Committee Administration and Forward Work Programmes
respectively. Officers added that it was also proposed to recruit to the vacant
Grade 7 Democratic Services Officer post.
Following discussion,
Members were in support of the recommendations contained within the report.
Supporting documents: