To select appropriate items from the Cabinet agenda for pre-decision
scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members)
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet (Finance) Sub Committee
agenda for pre-decision scrutiny (Cabinet Finance Sub - Committee reports
enclosed for Scrutiny Members)
The Committee
scrutinised the following Cabinet Board items:
Revenue Budget
Monitoring and Update Report 2021/2022
Members received an
update in relation to current budget projections for the 2021/22 financial
Officers mentioned that
the Revenue and Budget Monitoring and Update Reports were being provided to
Members on a by-monthly basis due to the impact of Covid-19.
It was highlighted that
the current predicted underspend this year was
£1.583m; this was partly due to the reimbursement of loss of income and the
expenditure from the Welsh Government’s Hardship Fund. The circulated report
detailed that to date, the Council had been reimbursed £2.4m, and that a loss
of income claim of £1.221m for quarter one had also been agreed.
In a previous meeting of
the Committee, Members were informed that an additional £12m was recently
allocated to the Council from Welsh Government; Members asked if this
additional money had been reflected in the underspend and overspend of the
circulated report, and if they were not, could they be put into the reserves to
offset burdens which residents may face going forward, such as Council Tax.
It was highlighted that
Members were informed of the additional £12m that was put into reserves, at the
meeting held on 2 June 2021; during this meeting it was stated that this money
was allocated to specific reserves across the various service areas. Officers
confirmed that these monies were still in the reserves, other than the reserve
movements as detailed on pages 26 and 27 of the circulated report. It was added
that a report which was approved by Cabinet on 30 June 2021, also identified
the use of around £4m of reserves which was shown in the reserves scheduled on
Appendix 3 of the circulated report.
The Committee was informed
that currently, the predicted specific reserves was around £54m; the end of
year position will not be known until May 2022. It was mentioned that the
Council will be setting its budget for 2022/23 at the beginning of March 2022,
which was in advance of the closing of this financial year.
By Members receiving the
monthly updates, it provided them with the knowledge of what the predicted
position will be for the budget setting meeting in March; there will be
opportunities to review the level of reserves being used in order to underpin
the base budget and/or for specific initiatives that the Council proposes.
However, it was noted that Members should be mindful of the reduction in
reserves and of the financial sustainability of the Council.
It was highlighted that
within the Social Services, Health and Housing Directorate, there was a £17k
underspend on Aids and Equipment. It was asked if the Authority had the
provision to reclaim and reuse any of the equipment when a resident passes
away. Officers explained that the predicated underspend was due to allocating
additional monies into that budget during previous years. It was confirmed that
there was mechanisms in place by which some equipment could be reutilised,
however sometimes it was not financially viable. Officers agreed to provide
Members with further details regarding what type of equipment could be re-used.
In regards to the £75k
overspend on parks and open spaces, it was queried whether the cost of dealing
with the issue of ash die back was going to be an ongoing issue, and if the
Council will be able to cover future issues that will arise. The Director of
Environment and Regeneration confirmed that there was a programme of work for
the ash die back issue; this was a large project which was set over multiple
years, given the scale of the Council’s assets, level of forestry, and having
regard to the budget. It was mentioned that the Council would continue to try
and secure funding, where possible, from Welsh Government and Natural Resource
Wales (NRW); the Council was successful in securing additional grant funding at
the end of last year, which had contributed to the overall cost of dealing with
ash die back.
A discussion took place
in regards to the scrutiny of individual Directorate budget reports; each
Scrutiny Committee received the budget report relevant to their remit, and were
provided with a more detailed picture of the various overspend and underspend
in the service areas. However, it was noted that the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee
had the opportunity to scrutinise all Directorate budget reports, even after
they had been scrutinised at the relevant Scrutiny Committee.
It was highlighted that
some Members of the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee did not sit on the membership of
another Scrutiny Committee; which made it difficult sometimes to identify
when/where budget reports were taken for scrutiny. It was identified that
Officers will consider reports going to future meetings of each of the other
Scrutiny Committees, in order for Members to review the detail.
The Committee discussed
the Council Tax increased income which was detailed in Appendix 4 of the
circulated report, as part of the general reserve balance; the table showed
that the Council Tax increased income was at Cr £1m. The Director of Finance
and Corporate Services explained that Neath Port Talbot Council (NPTC) had set
the Council Tax collection rate at 97% when setting the Council Tax base. It
was stated that the Council Tax Team had been undertaking extensive work to
collect and pay out money for the Council, Community Councils and the Police
and Crime Commissioners Office; the collection rate was around 97.5% last year
and 98% the previous year. Members were informed that NPTC had placed top in
recoveries across Wales in the past two years, and placed in the top four in
the past five-six years, in terms of Council Tax collection. Officers added
that the £1m was related to the collection of more than 97% in Council Tax, and
reflects the hard work that the Team have carried; collecting the money and
paying it out to the individual bodies that require the money.
Members relayed their
thanks to the Teams in Finance for their hard work.
Following scrutiny, the
Committee was supportive of the proposal to be considered by the Cabinet Board.
Strategic Equalities
Plan Annual Report
The Committee were
presented with the Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024 Annual Report for the
period 2020-2021.
A question was raised as
to the progress of the pilot on anonymised job application forms to facilitate
a fair and transparent recruitment and selection process Officers confirmed
that this had not been implemented yet as it relied on the introduction of the
new HR/payroll database. An update on the current positon would be sought from
the Head of Human and Organisational Development and circulated to outside of
the meeting.
Following scrutiny, the
Committee was supportive of the proposal to be considered by the Cabinet Board.
Purchase of Hybrid
Meeting System and Refurbishments to the Council Chamber
Members were provided
with a report regarding the request to purchase a hybrid meeting system and
refurbishment of the Council Chamber to facilitate the attendance at such
hybrid meetings.
Officers explained that
there had been various changes in legislative obligations in respect of Council
meetings that would need to be in effect by May 2022; this was due to the
introduction of the new Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021. It was
mentioned that the circulated report also aimed to address some of the feedback
received from Members who took part in the recent Member Survey, relating to
this matter. Officers stated that the hybrid meeting system would offer Members
choice in regards to how they attend meetings; they would be able to join a
meeting in person, or join virtually at various other location such as their
workplace or home.
A discussion took place
in regards to public participation; it was highlighted that a report would be
presented to the Democratic Services Committee on this matter in the coming
months. Members were informed that the Council was beginning to establish its
participation agenda, which will provide the opportunity for public speaking in
meetings and petition schemes; this was an aim to try and improve participation
in democracy. It was added that this was also a requirement of the new
The importance of having
a high quality and efficient system in place for hybrid meetings was raised. It
was noted that the proposal contained within the circulated report covered the
various options and sources that Officers had looked into; the key focus was
ensuring ease of access for Elected Members and the public, and meeting the
needs of the users. It was added that training opportunities would be provided
to all Members once a system was put in place.
Concerns were raised in
regards to connectivity, and how this could be a barrier to participating in
meetings. Officers confirmed that a lot of thought had be given to connectivity
issues; the Members IT Reference Group had recently been re-established and
would be looking various IT matters. It was mentioned that one of the first
areas of work would be developing a survey to issue to all Members, in order to
gain an understanding of their IT issues, including connectivity.
Further to the discussion
on connectivity, it was stated that there were physical reasons with BT
Openreach in regards to why some households struggled with connection; it was
asked if it was possible to prompt Welsh Government to push this issue forward.
Officers explained that the Council would be looking into specific resolutions
for Members personal set-ups; where there were issues identified that could not
be resolved in the short term, Officers will look into other buildings across
the County Borough in which Members could utilise to take part in meetings.
Members were informed that the City Deal was undertaking a regional digital
project; one of the aspirations within that regional programme was to identify
areas where there were difficulties in terms of connectivity, and how the
Council could work within the City Deal arrangements to overcome these.
Due to the nature of the
connectivity issues, it was suggested that Cabinet give consideration to make
representation to Welsh Government on this matter.
Following concerns
raised regarding the costings of the proposals, it was stated that the Cabinet
Member for Finance had contacted Welsh Government to raise this issue and had
queried whether there was any more funding that could be utilised; the Cabinet
Member would continue to lobby Welsh Government on this.
Following scrutiny, the
Committee was supportive of the proposal to be considered by the Cabinet Board.
South West Wales
Corporate Joint Committees
An update on the current
status and progress in relation to the creation of the South West Wales
Corporate Joint Committee (CJC) was provided to Members.
The circulated report
stated that the CJC will be able to co-opt such members to the CJC and
determine/agree the terms of membership of any co-opted participant (e.g.
voting rights, role, funding contribution etc.); Members expressed their
concerns in regards to Co-opted Members having voting rights. The Chief
Executive mentioned that the four Leaders of the four Councils, which covered
the South West Wales area, very much had the same concerns. It was highlighted
that when Welsh Government indicated that they were going to impose these
arrangements on Local Authorities, the Welsh Local Government Association
(WLGA) had made it clear that the maximum flexibility was to be provided to the
locally Elected Members to determine how the CJC’s would be set up. However,
the exception to this was the position of the National Parks Societies, in
which some voting rights had been granted on strategic land use and planning
maters that fall within their purview.
Reference was made to
the response letter from Rebecca Evans AS/MS, Minister for Finance and Local
Government, which was detailed in Appendix 1 of the circulated report; the
letter stated that it was intended that a CJC, in consultation with its
constituent Councils, will be required to agree appropriate locally determined
overview and scrutiny arrangements. Members queried whether any thought had
been given in advance, to the appropriate scrutiny arrangements that could be
put in place. Officers explained that the Monitoring Officers had been looking
at different options for constituting these arrangements; this had been an
ongoing process due to the various different regulations that had been
confirmed at different times during the summer period. It was noted that the
Head of Legal and Democratic Services was leading on this particular element of
work, and had started to prepare a report which outlined a number of different
scrutiny models for consideration; when the formal reports were brought to the
relevant meetings, Members will have the opportunity to feed into the processes
before the arrangements were signed off. It was added that the Council was
awaiting updated guidance from Welsh Government on this matter.
Detailed within the
circulated report, it stated that Officers had been liaising with neighbouring
authorities and convened a group comprising Chief Executives, Directors of
Environment, Finance Directors (S151 Officers) and Monitoring Officers which meets
on a fortnightly basis to progress these discussions; it was asked why there
was not Elected Member representation in this group. It was confirmed that the
Chief Executives and the Leaders of the four Authorities had been meeting on a
regular, informal basis in order for the Leaders to provide a steer on the work
that was being undertaken, and to feed into the advice that was being prepared
for Members to review; currently, the set-up of the shadow form of the CJCs was
being looked into, since most of the regulations had been established.
A discussion took place
in regards to the impacts on the valleys communities. It was noted that the
valley impacts will particularly be drawn out in some of the specific duties
that had been introduced by the legislation; for example, the CJCs must develop
a regional economic development strategy, a regional transport policy and a
regional strategic land use plan. Officers highlighted that the interest around
valleys impacts would be in the way in which those particular pieces of work
were developed, to ensure that the needs of the valleys communities were
appropriately reflected in that work.
Members raised concerns
regarding the potential of losing Council staff and their expertise to the
CJCs. It was stated that the four Leaders were very clear that the Council
should be setting up the CJCs on the minimum necessary basis in the first
instance; therefore only providing the resources where the legislation
specifically requires them. As previously mentioned, it was required to develop
a regional economic development strategy, a regional transport policy and a
regional strategic land use plan; these will form the business that the CJCs
must undertake. Officers confirmed that it was currently not proposed to
establish a permanent team of staff for the CJCs, instead it was currently
being proposed that the work would be shared out amongst the four Authorities,
similar to the arrangements with the City Deal; and then looking into seconding
some of staffs time into those roles. Officers added that the money that the
Council was putting into the CJCs, as part of the levy, will be money that the
Council will be seeking to recover and claim as the cost of the time of staff.
Depending on how the
CJCs develop, there was a risk that Council staff will move from their current
roles into this other entity. It was mentioned that throughout the pandemic,
the labour market had become far more competitive; the Council was struggling
to recruit into a range of roles and struggling to sustain individuals in
certain roles. This highlighted the importance, moving forward, of the Council
needing to start investing in growing the workforce.
Members asked if the
Terms of Reference and the Constitution for the CJCs had been established, and
if Members views could be included in order to highlight their concerns.
Officers explained that the necessary regulations for the CJCs to be
constituted had been developed and communicated over the summer; the Monitoring
Officers had started to draft the Constitution based on some of the principles
that the four Leaders had asked to be built in. It was stated that the Terms of
Reference and Constitution would not be signed off until each of the four Local
Authorities and the National Park Authorities had sight of them; Members will
be able to comment on the detail and provide their views to the Leaders. The
Committee was informed that the first key meeting to make decisions regarding
this, would be before the start of the Christmas period.
Following Scrutiny, the
report was noted.