Agenda item

Extension of Third Sector Grants Application Arrangements to 2022/2023




1.      That the following criteria for inviting bids for funds governed      by the Third Sector Grants Scheme in 2022 – 23 be   approved:


a.      Applications be invited for 12 months funding or less and should be specifically focused on activities that will help to further develop community capacity/collaboration and building from the community action that has supported the response to the Covid 19 pandemic.


b.      That those organisations in receipt of multi-year grant agreements be asked to set out in clear terms how they intend to support the further developments of community capacity building.


2.      That a more fundamental review of the Scheme be undertaken in early 2022 – 23.


Reason for Decisions:


1.      To ensure funding decisions made for the 2022-23 financial year in relation to grants awarded under the Third Sector Grants Scheme are aligned with the Council’s overall priorities and reflect the specific circumstances of the Covid 19 emergency response situation.


2.      To ensure that there is an opportunity in early 2022-23 to revise the Scheme to reflect the situation at that time, ensuring that the Scheme remains relevant in supporting the Council’s priorities.


Implementation of Decisions:


With the agreement of the relevant Scrutiny Chairperson the decision will be implemented immediately (and therefore not subject to the 3 day call in procedure).



Supporting documents: