Agenda item

Application No. P2021/0327 - Global Centre of Rail Excellence

Development of a Global Centre of Rail Excellence, comprising of two test tracks of loop configuration being an electrified high speed rolling stock test track of 6.9km in length and an electrified low speed infrastructure test track of 4.5km, with overhead line equipment (OLE) and dual platform station test environment; together with operations and control offices (including staff accommodation and welfare), shunter cabins (2 no.), research and development, education and training, rolling stock storage sidings and maintenance/cleaning/decommissioning facilities; and associated, drainage, internal vehicular accesses, branch line rail connection, staff and visitor car parking, lighting, electrical infrastructure (including substations and lineside shore supplies and transformers), fencing (perimeter security, acoustic and stock proof), land reformation and hard and soft landscaping, together with demolition of existing buildings/structures (cross-boundary application affecting land within Neath Port Talbot and Powys County Council administrative boundaries) - see Powys CC Application ref. 21/0559/OUT) at Land at and surrounding the Nant Helen Open Cast Coal Site, Powys, and Onllwyn Distribution Centre, Neath Port Talbot.


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application (Development of a Global Centre of Rail Excellence, comprising of two test tracks of loop configuration being an electrified high speed rolling stock test track of 6.9km in length and an electrified low speed infrastructure test track of 4.5km, with overhead line equipment (OLE) and dual platform station test environment; together with operations and control offices (including staff accommodation and welfare), shunter cabins (2 no.), research and development, education and training, rolling stock storage sidings and maintenance/cleaning/decommissioning facilities; and associated, drainage, internal vehicular accesses, branch line rail connection, staff and visitor car parking, lighting, electrical infrastructure (including substations and lineside shore supplies and transformers), fencing (perimeter security, acoustic and stock proof), land reformation and hard and soft landscaping, together with demolition of existing buildings/structures (cross-boundary application affecting land within Neath Port Talbot and Powys County Council administrative boundaries) - see Powys CC Application ref. 21/0559/OUT) at Land at and surrounding the Nant Helen Open Cast Coal Site, Powys, and Onllwyn Distribution Centre, Neath Port Talbot.) as detailed in the circulated report.


The Local Ward Member was present to make his representations, as well as the Agent and Applicant, who both spoke on the application.



That in accordance with Officers’ recommendations, and the conditions detailed in the circulated report, Application No. P2021/0327 be approved.


Supporting documents: