Agenda item

Strategic School Improvement Programme - Proposal to Establish an English-Medium 3 - 11 School to replace Alltwen, Godre'rgraig and Llangiwg Prmary Schools all of which will be Discontinued 31st Augsut 2024


Following, a verbal update given at the meeting and with the agreement of the Scrutiny Chairperson it was agreed that the decision would be for Immediate Implementation.


Having given due regard to the consultation responses, the integrated impact assessment and the equality, risk, community usage assessments and the information referred to as detailed in the circulated report and accompanying appendices:




1.   That in line with Section 48 of the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013.  Approval be granted to publish the statutory notice of the proposal to establish an English-medium 3 – 11 school with a Learning Support Centre, in new build premises to accommodate pupils from the current catchment areas of Alltwen Primary, Godre’rgraig Primary and Llangiwg Primary, all of which will be discontinued on the 31st August 2024.


2.   That the implementation be the 1st September 2024.


3.   That the Notice of the proposal be published on the 17th June 2021, allowing 28 days for receipt of objections and a report be brought back to Members following the outcome of this period for final determination by Members.


Reason for Decisions:


To enable the Council to comply with the formal publication requirements of the School Organisation Code and associated legislation.  A draft statutory notice, attached as Appendix 1 to the circulated report.  Implementation of the proposal will enable the Council to promote high educational standards and the fulfilment of every child’s potential.  It will also enable the Council to meet its duty to secure efficient education in its area.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decision will be implemented immediately as agreed with the relevant Scrutiny Chair (and is therefore not subject to the call-in procedure).


Supporting documents: