That the short list of Neath Port Talbot projects for submission to the
UK Government Community Renewal Fund be approved.
That the Director of Environment and Regeneration in consultation with the
Leader and relevant Cabinet Member(s) be granted delegated authority to approve
the submission of UK Community Renewal Fund applications to UK government by
the 18th June 2021 deadline.
That the Director of Environment and Regeneration in consultation with
the Director of Finance and Corporate Services and the Leader and relevant
Cabinet Member(s) be authorised to enter into grant agreements or associated
documentation that might be necessary to draw down funding from the UK
Community Renewal Fund.
Reason for
To enable Officers to submit the Neath Port Talbot
shortlist of applications to UK Government to apply for the UK Community
Renewal Fund.
of Decisions:
The decision will be implemented after the three
day call in period.