Agenda item

To establish Terms of Reference for 'On-boarding; Programme Plan for Member Induction 2022'


Craig Griffiths went through the contents of the report. It was confirmed the Working Group would consider both member induction and also Diversity in Democracy.

Members are conscious to ensure that Members who come in on a by-election are also considered during this process.

Members briefly discussed Diversity in Democracy. The hybrid model was considered and Members recognised its importance in contributing to flexibility of future work. It was also suggested that perhaps the larger employers within the Borough could be contacted to discuss how they encouraged democracy within the workplace i.e. right to time off etc.

Members discussed how Members should engage with officers moving forward – how this should work and how it will continue moving forward. For example how would an officer approach a member of staff.


(a) Resolved: Members of the Democratic Services Committee agree that Member Induction 2022 be identified as a priority area of work for the Committee.

(b)  Members of the Democratic Services Committee establish a Task and Finish Group to meet during July, August and September 2021 with a view to contributing towards proposals for the shape and content of the Member Induction programme in 2022 and to consider the diversity in democracy programme.

(c) That Members of the Democratic Services Committee agree to hold a special meeting of the Democratic Services Committee in or around October 2021 to consider the output of the Task and Finish Group work.

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