Agenda item

Cefn Coed Museum Update


That the following be noted:


1.   The current position in respect of the Valleys Regional Park grant bid for Cefn Coed.


2.   That the museum will need to remain closed until the Health and Safety issues have been satisfactorily resolved.


3.   That a group of internal and external stakeholders be established unde the Chairmanship of the Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning to set out a clear way forward for the future of the site.


4.   That the views of the 3 Local Members and the relevant Cabinet Member be sought at key intervals and reports be brought back to the Scrutiny Committees at regular intervals with updates.




That the following be noted:


1.   The current position in respect of the Valleys Regional Park grant bid for Cefn Coed.


2.   That the museum will need to remain closed until the Health and Safety issues have been satisfactorily resolved.


3.   That a group of internal and external stakeholders be established unde the Chairmanship of the Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning to set out a clear way forward for the future of the site.


4.   That the views of the 3 Local Members and the relevant Cabinet Member be sought at key intervals and reports be brought back to the Scrutiny Committees at regular intervals with updates.



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