Agenda item

Pre-Decision Scrutiny

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports included for Scrutiny Members)


The committee chose to scrutinise the following cabinet board items:


Residential and Non-Residential Care Charging Policy


Following a request from the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing, it was agreed that this item be removed from consideration at today’s meeting, in order to align the policy more closely to legislation and be brought back to a future meeting.


Regional Co-Production Pack For The Regional Partnership


Members were presented with an update on the Regional Co-Production Pack for the Regional Partnership, which consisted of a Co- Production Framework, Co-production Toolkit and Co-production Charter as detailed within the circulated report.


The Director of NPT CVS Gaynor Richards, Mark Davies a Citizen of Neath Port Talbot and Kelly Gillings the West Glamorgan Regional Transformation Programme Director were in attendance to present the report along with the Director of Social Services Health and Housing.


Following the introduction, the Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Health commended the document.


Scrutiny Members queried what visible difference would there be following the implementation of the framework. Officers highlighted that following the growth of this framework scrutiny would have insight of the plans and strategies going forward with a wider view of planning from members of the public, service users and families.


Members queried the number of citizens involved within the group as there were a low number of followers on the social media platform. It was noted that following the pandemic the numbers hadn’t increased dramatically, however with further engagement going forward this would hopefully increase the following.


Throughout the discussion it was made clear of the importance of having a number of citizens involved within the group to ensure a wide variety of views were to be considered.


Discussions also took place around the involvement of Community Health Councils going forward.


Members raised concern around the gap that was currently in our regional governance arrangements as detailed within the report. Officers highlighted that this gap is currently being worked on. It was in relation to the evaluation process and ensuring that evaluations were done co-productively and not as separate organisations. 


An open invite was offered to members to attend a co-production group for further information if required.


Discussions took place around the reporting structure of the strategy going forward. It was noted that a report would be brought back in 6 months to provide a further update on the progress of this framework. Further reports will be provided to the committee as and when required.


Following scrutiny, the committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by cabinet board.



Welsh Government Housing Capital Grant Programme


Members were advised of the Welsh Government Housing Capital

Grant Programme Development Plan Outturn for 2019/20 and

2020/21. Along with the planned expenditure programmed for the years 2021/22-2024/25, as detailed within the circulated report.


Members queried the County Flats. Officers confirmed that they are the Tai Tarian Development called County Flats. 


Discussions took place around the monitoring of the Renovations. It was noted that the renovations are done by the RSL’s. Architects, surveyors and professional design teams would also be involved in the process to ensure a high standard is being adhered to.


Following Scrutiny, the report was noted.



Five Year West Glamorgan Regional Carers Strategy


Members were presented with an update on the Five Year West Glamorgan Regional Carers Strategy, as detailed within the circulated report.


The Director of NPT CVS was in attendance and provided a brief introductory to the report.


Discussions took place around the cost implications that unpaid carers are faced with when trying to use forms of transportation. The Director of NPT CVS highlighted that the Voluntary sector would discuss ways of considering options to help work with unpaid carers.


Following scrutiny, the committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by cabinet board.