Agenda item

Review of the Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Constitution


Members were advised that the majority constitution is prescribed by law. Although the Monitoring Officer has updated the Constitution when new legislation has come into force, the Monitoring Officer is of the view that it could be updated further and simplified to make the document more user friendly and understandable to members of the public who wish to review.


The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Bill introduced in Welsh Government proposals to reform legislative framework for local government electoral arrangements, democracy, performance and governance. The proposed Bill would require the Council to make a number of changes to its Constitution. A review of the constitution is required.


Members were keen to ensure that procedures contained within the Constitution, as prescribed by law, are clear so that Councillors can fully understands the implications of them. Further, that adherence to the Code of Conduct in relation to councillor behaviour is clearly outlined and easily understood by members.


An action programme to carry out the review was outlined within the report. A Task & Finish Group would be required to be set up to progress the item. They would be required in line with the structure of the action programme outlined.


Officers confirmed there was no requirement for political balance within the Task & Finish Group. The Task & Finish Group would report back to the Democratic Services Committee, with final approval of any recommended amendments by Full Council.


Resolved:     To establish a task and finish group to undertake the proposed work outlined within the report to enable the preparation of advice to Council;


To agree the membership of the task and finish group;


To agree the proposed project plan outlined within this report.


Members of the Task & Finish Group:

Cllrs D Morgan, A Taylor, A Aubrey, S Miller, J Hurley, S Hunt, E Latham, S Pursey.

Membership of the Task & Finish Group to be extended to members of the committee who are not in attendance.

Supporting documents: