Agenda item

Substance Misuse Counselling Service - Western Bay Area Planning Board




1.           That the exclusion of the requirement for competition under the Contract Procurement Rules relating to the invitation of tenders (Rule 11 of the Contract Procedure Rules) in respect of an extension to the provision of specialist, trauma informed, counselling service, by Platfform, to individuals with substance misuse issues, be agreed.


2.           That authority be granted to the Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Digital Officer to enter into an agreement with Platfform for the continued provision of this Specialist Counselling Service.


Reason For Decisions:


To ensure the necessary arrangements can continue to be put in place for the provision of specialist, trauma informed, Counselling, for Individuals with substance misuse issues, in the Swansea Bay region.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.

Supporting documents: