Agenda item

Democratic Services Team Structure


Members were presented with the existing structure of the Democratic Services team and the new proposed structure. It was noted that the Senior Committee and Member Services Manager had retired and rather than filling that particular role, the two senior roles within the team had been combined into the role that Stacy Curran had been appointed to (Democratic Services Manager); the structure was presented to Members to reflect that change and to note that the proposals were not to replace the senior role, but instead to create a grade 7 role.

It was stated that management were planning to fill some of the vacant roles within the structure, but not all of them at the moment due to the new duties and the implements of change in technology that needed to be worked through; there was a need to build resilience in the current structure, however it would be reviewed again when the longer term support arrangements were clear. Members were informed that Corporate Joint Committees were going to be established under the Local Government Reform Act and it was still not very clear what the support for that will entail either.


The Democratic Services Committee endorsed the proposed structure set out in Appendix 2 and commends this change to Council.



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