the agreement of the Chair, this item was moved from private to public session
(apart from appendices B and C which remained exempt under Paragraphs 13, 14
and 15).
That further to the completed consultations, the previous in principle decision
to convert the Materials Recovery and Energy Centre (MREC) to a transfer
station with enhanced recycling capability, be confirmed;
That a revised structure in respect of staff to implement a transfer
station, with enhanced recycling capability, be presented to Personnel
Committee for decision, and that appropriate notices of change and/or
redundancy be provided as deemed appropriate by the Personnel Committee (with
any new roles being subject to Local Government Terms and Conditions);
That the capital requirements and approval of the allocation of £5.55M
including contingency in the council’s capital programme, be noted;
That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Streetcare
to vary the environmental permit in line with the service change;
That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Streetcare
and the Head of Legal Services to undertake a procurement exercise for an up to
five year residual waste treatment contract, and to enter into any arrangements
as may be appropriate to facilitate this procurement exercise and award a
contract to the highest scoring tenderer;
That the Head of Streetcare investigate the
feasibility and benefit of relocating the Council’s refuse and recycling
collection fleets to the Transfer Station, and reports the findings to Members
accordingly for further decision.
Reason for Decisions:
To determine the future of the MREC further to changes previously agreed
in principle and subject to consultation. The direction of travel for residual waste will continue on a downward
trend whilst reuse and recycling etc. will continue to increase. Existing
service arrangements will therefore become increasingly misaligned with the
developing waste management context should changes not be made.
Implementation of
The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.
This item has been subject to consultation with staff.
Supporting documents: