Agenda item

Increasing public engagement in the democratic process including web casting - draft project plan

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer enclosed.


In accordance with Minute No 3 of the meeting held on 11 July, Members received a draft project plan in relation to increasing public engagement in the democratic process including web casting.


Members discussed the draft project plan and agreed that in addition to what was proposed in the plan the first meeting needed to also consider

·        what the Authority was doing already on public participation

·        How many local authorities currently webcast and the level of take up by members of the public?


Members noted that the City Deal Joint Scrutiny Committee had agreed to webcast and that this would give officers and the relevant members experience of different ways of providing the service.


Members asked for an explanation of the Valleys Communities Impacts, as contained in the circulated report and were advised that it was envisaged that this work would need to consider the impact of proposals on valley communities.  For example digital inclusion could be an issue in certain areas. 


RESOLVED:      1.     That a task and finish group be established

                                      to undertake the work outlined in the report 

to enable the preparation of advice to Council by 31 March 2020;



2.      That all members of the Democratic Services Committee be confirmed as members of the task and finish group, unless any members advise officers that they do not wish to be; and


3.        The proposed project plan outlined within the circulated report be approved subject to the following being added:


what the Authority was doing already on public participation

How many local authorities currently webcast and the take up by members of the public?



Supporting documents: