Private Joint Report of the
Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer, the Head of Adult Services
and the Head of Property and Regeneration
That the progress that has been made to remodel the CCTV service, be
That the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer be
authorised to procure up to ten additional days, as detailed within the private
circulated report, via APSE, in order to complete the business case for
in-sourcing telecare services.
That the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer be
authorised to procure a suitably qualified consultant to prepare an updated
strategic and operational case for the CCTV camera estate and to prepare a
technical specification that can then be used to tender for a replacement
camera estate.
That the proposal to in-source intruder and lone worker alarm monitoring
services to improve the value for money offered by the existing monitoring
service, be supported.
That the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer be
authorised to agree terms and enter into contract with the Briton Ferry Town
Council for the provision of a CCTV monitoring Service.
Reason for Decisions:
authorise short term actions that can help to support the sustainability of the
Council’s CCTV Service alongside additional research and analysis that can
bring medium term proposals for the Service forward on a more certain footing.
Implementation of
decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.